Chapter 11: One Too Many Love Rivals

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"As a reminder to all of you, your midterm exams start in five days. I do hope that you have all learned your lesson about taking exams seriously. The mock exam that I gave you last month may have not been recorded, but it does show that almost all of you are incompetent when it comes to your academics."

Chabashira-sensei stood in front of her class with her usual expression, exhibiting an aura of seriousness that basically told everyone there that she wasn't playing around.

The students of Class D couldn't do anything but listen to her attentively. Not even the class clowns in Ike and Yamauchi seemed like they were planning to mess around.

"Remember, if you fail even one of your exams, you are expelled immediately. There are no make-up exams in this school, and pleading to your teachers for a second chance does not work. You'd do well to remember that."

If her intention was to intimidate her students, then she succeeded. The students who were aware of their own weaknesses in academics felt nervous, because they were reminded once again that one failed subject meant expulsion. Even those who were taking their studies seriously felt the jitters, because this was indeed no ordinary school.

One failed test is all it takes for them to possibly end up on the next bus trip home.

"That is all for today's homeroom. Good luck in your next class."

After bowing her head, the brown-haired teacher left the room. Once she was gone, many students let out a collective sigh of relief that nothing bad happened. While the woman was as serious as she always was, all she did was make a statement.

Chabashira-sensei ended their homeroom early, so they still had a bit of time to themselves before their next class. Already, most of the students brought out either their books or notes and began to study some more.

Even Sudo brought out a stack of papers which was a reviewer of sorts, before walking towards Onodera's desk so they could study together.

There were also students who were either too busy with something else, or they weren't doing anything at all. It's either they were already confident of their abilities to pass the exams, or they were completely hopeless.

Two of these students included a certain duo who were humbled about a week ago by a certain 'Masterpiece'.

"Maaaaaan, I'm gonna die... I need a break from all this studying!"

"Same... if only I had a girlfriend who'd put my head on her lap and give me lots of comfort..."

Ike and Yamauchi had all but collapsed on top of their desks, with defeated looks on their faces. They looked tired beyond belief, even though the day had only just begun.

"Would you two take this seriously? It's not like you've been studying as hard as everyone else. But look at them, they don't even look tired."

Shinohara approached the two with an annoyed look on her face. As much as she hated it, she was stuck with them for several weeks because they were in the same study group. Oh, and she was neighbors with one of the idiots too.

"Listen, ugly. I don't normally study, so I'm not like everyone else here who's a freak of nature." Even though half of his face was practically stuck to his desk, Ike still managed to glare at the girl. "Seriously, how are they not tired after all of that?"

In their defense, they were like this because they had been studying... out of fear of a certain person, of course. It's not like they would actually study on their own.

It didn't excuse their behavior, though. Nearly all of their classmates have been studying for weeks in preparation for their exams, and none of them looked like they were about to collapse out of exhaustion.

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