Chapter 18

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Chelsea's Acosta pov

"We did a facial recognition using Yvette's face and we came up with a few girls of Marisa's age who look like Yvette which led to finally finding her. We hired high skilled professional inspectors who helped us to get DNA samples secretly. All in all i am glad we found her." Dad explains to us. It all makes sense now.

"The poor girl deserves better. I am very saddened to hear this i cant imagine that happening to any of my children. God, some people are monsters. I am really sorry for what happened." Mom says to uncle Liam and aunty Yvette after learning the truth.

"Its okay, at least we have found her alive that is the most important thing for now." Uncle Liam states.

We are in dad's study room all of us and Marcom too. Dad also invited Emilio's parent but I expected to see Emilio with them here but he was no where to be seen. I think he is still mad at me.

Marcom hasn't said anything after he knew the truth. But i am sure he is so shocked to even utter a word.

"Who did this? He has to pay." For the first time, Marcom speaks. I see the anger radiating from his face. Uh oh! It doesn't look good at all.

"My team have come up with the suspect." Dad says but he looks uneasy. Who could be the suspect?

We all look at him curiously waiting for an answer.

"Who?." Aunty Yvette asks curiously.

"Its Xander Ortega." We all gasp aloud. Uncle Xander? What? How comes? For all i know he died by committing suicide.

"Xander?" Almost all of us uttered in shock.

"But Xander is dead." Uncle Liam intervenes.

"Yes. He is dead but he set up everything before he died." Dad explains. "He ordered his men to do get the job done."

"What? That monster. I thought he changed." Aunty Yvette exclaimed angrily.

"I knew he weren't to be trusted. There was always a part of me that never believed upon his proclaimed change. He did this as part of his revenge." Uncle Liam states with so much anger.

"He knew exactly how much it would hurt you all." My dad says, making sense to us all.

God! I never knew Xander was such a monster. All i heard was that he changed but i guess once a monster always a monster.

"How could he do this to our baby girl. She was an innocent baby. This is so brutal, i just can't fathom." Aunty Yvette cries making all of us sad. Uncle Liam pulled her into his arms comforting her. Telling her it will be alright.

Mom, dad and i look at them sadly. As for Marcom he has been quiet the entire time. I guess he is really hurt by the news considering the fact that he loves Marisa.

"Excuse me." Marcom says before he heads out. I stand up from my seat and decide to follow him.

"I will check on him." I say matching outside.

I find Marcom sitting beside the pool lost in his thoughts.

"Hey." I call him snapping him out if his thoughts. He turns to look at me.

"What am I supposed to feel?." He asks me.

"Just follow your instincts. Be you." I tell him.

"Its not fair, it hurts so bad. I feel so bad for her. Damn it" he grits his teeth.

"Hey, it will be okay. What matters is that she is alive." He nods.

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