Chapter 11

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Chelsea's Acosta pov

I am so shocked after hearing the bad news about uncle Liam from Emilio.

"Oh Emilio, I am so sorry." I stand up and hug him. He pats my back telling me its okay. However i know its not okay.

"I will be leaving today. Mom needs me." He says after breaking from the hug. I nod at him.

"I am going with you." I tell him.

"You don't have to......"

"I want to. I want to be there for you. I cant stay here knowing that you need me." He smiles. "Thank you so much love." He embraces me again.


"Mom." Emilio rushes to his mom. We just arrived at the hospital straight after we landed.

"My son." Aunty Yvette says standing up. They hug each other. I greet her too and share a brief hug. Her eyes are puffy from crying too much i guess. I pray uncle Liam will be just fine.

"How is he now mom?." Emilio asks his mom curiously.

"The doctors are attending to him. He was just coming back home when he.. he got into an accident." Aunty Yvette cries. Emilio hugs his mom tightly patting her back. I am so heartbroken watching them like that, that i start crying.

Soon my parents arrive to support the Ortega's. The news is all over the globe about uncle Liam's accident.

According to the police report basing on the witnesses, uncle Liam's car bumped into a street light pole as he was trying to avoid a car truck which was heading to his way. Its said also, the driver of the track too drunk to control his car. He is now held by the police as of now.

The doctor said he is stable but with minor injuries so they have put him in a induced comma so as to rest. He also needed a blood transfusion in which Liam donated blood for his father.

I cant go home i want to stay behind with Liam so i bid my parents goodnight. I go grab some two strong coffee and head towards the waiting area where i find Emilio lost in his thoughts.

My heart pains seeing him like this. God! I love him. I just want to see the happy Emilio, that way i will be happy.

"Hey, coffee?." I say handing him a cup of coffee as i sit beside him on the sofa coach.

He looks at me and gives me a faint smile.

"Sure, thank you babe." Babe?! He just called me that and i like it. I mean, i just never imagined he would one day call me that.

"Whats wrong?." He asks me sipping his coffee.

"Babe?" I ask him. He chuckles and pulls me to him with his free hand. I rest my head on his shoulder. I feel him kissing the top of my head.

"Yes, don't you like it?." He asks. I chuckle and turn my head to face him.

"I love it, its just that i never imagined you would call me like that one day. I mean, everything feels surreal." I say to him and He chuckles.

"I know right. But here we are so in love." He says before kissing my lips, i kiss him back.

"Mhhh! Get a room guys." We all withdraw from the kiss to face the person who just spoke. Its Tamika.

"Tamika?." I stand up putting the coffee on the coffee table before rushing to her eloping her into a tight hug. We giggle as we hug each other.

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