part 1

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  Oh no. ohnonononono. This can't be happening. Ranboo was running. Running for his life, as it seemed. Three humans were chasing him, one of them was holding a silver tube. I knew it. I should have stayed in my cave. if only...

One hour ago...

       Ranboo stretched. He hated waking up in the morning. A familiar noise passed overhead. One of the metal tubes but be passing. The metal tubes were ways for the humans to travel, which Ranboo thought was odd. Why don't they just teleport? He had never seen humans teleport. Maybe they can't. Ranboo thought. maybe they're like me. His stomach growled. Ranboo sighed and got up to go find some blueberries. As he started to walk out of his cave, he paused, remembering something. As he went back in to grab it, he forgot again. Ranboo growled in frustration. He scanned the cave. 

       His eyes passed his sleeping ledge, which was a rock jutting out of the cave wall covered in sand. On his table, which he had carved from wood, was his memory book, his brush that he stole, and his basket. The basket! That's what he needed if he was going to get blueberries. Ranboo grabbed it and ran outside to his blueberry patch. He sat there for a bit, picking the berries. then, the wind picked up. It was only a little at first,but then it quickly picked up speed. As Ranboo looked up, the wind knocked him back. He saw a flash of metal and whirring blades. The metal tube is landing! Practically on top of me! Ranboo thought indignantly. The wind started slowing and as Ranboo started to get up, humans started getting out of the metal tube. One of them had a silver tube and the rest wore a white coat. Humans! That's bad. Ranboo started running. He heard shouts from the humans behind him and he glanced back. The humans were chasing him! 

       Oh no. oh nonononono. This can't be happening. Ranboo was running. Running for his life, as it seemed. Three humans were chasing him, one of them was holding a silver tube. I knew it. I should have stayed in the cave. If only... that was when he felt a sharp pain in his leg, and he stumbled, falling to the ground. He tried to get up, but he couldn't feel his leg. (sunroof just started playing lol)Ranboo looked up and saw three humans looking down on him. Then blackness rushed up on him and he let it claim him. 


       Wilbur looked down at the hybrid. it was a hybrid of two things, as the left side of it was black as night. but the strange thing was the right side was white. his right hand was white and so was his... paw? Wilbur looked again. Yep. the hybrid had cat-like paws instead of feet. He reached down and gently squeezed the pads. Razor-sharp claws poked out. Cat-like paws, retractable claws, and a tail. Wilbur looked back at the tail. It was long and slender, and, like the hair on the hybrids head, the fur on the tip was mitch-match with the body, with black on the right and white on the left, instead of vice versa.

        As he continued looking at the hybrid, one of the other staff cleared his throat. Karl, Wilbur remembered. He was the newest employee. "Permision to mesure, Dr.Soot?" Wilbur nodded. "Oh, and don't bother being so formal. You can just call me Will" he added. Karl stepped forward and pulled out a measuring tape. He looked towards the other employee, Niki, and she took the end of the tape and held it at the tip of the hybrid's head, and Karl walked over to its paws. Wilbur walked over to see the number and gasped. While it was running, since it was further away, it looked about Karl's height. Now, though, it was 7 feet & 11 inches, (241 centimeters). That was the second tallest height the facility had. The tallest was 9 feet (275 centimeters), belonging to S6760.

       The communicator on Wilbur's hip buzzed and said Dr. Soot, has the hybrid been boxed yet? Over. Wilbur grabbed the communicator and replied "we are doing so now. Over." he nodded once to Niki and she walked back to the helicopter and started rolling the cart that the transport box was on. Karl went over to help her, as the box was metal. Wilbur grabbed the hybrid and piggybacked it to the box. Karl opened the door and as Wilbur put the hybrid in the box, it stirred.

       They locked the door and got into the helicopter and started it up to go back to the facility. Wilbur took the communicator off his hip and said "hybrid boxed. bringing it back now. Time estimate, roughly 15 minutes. Over." it buzzed. Copy. they started back to the facility, there was a groan, then a yelp of surprise from the travel box. The hybrid had woken up.


       Ranboo groaned and groggily sat up. As he did so, he hit his head on something and he yelped with surprise. He felt around his hands and hit something to his side. He tried the other side. Nope. still a wall. I bet I'm in a box. "⊑⟒⌰⌰⍜ ?" ("hello?")he called, and he heard a huff of surprise, probably from one of the humans. Then there was a click, followed by one of the humans saying "Dr.Dream, the hybrid appears to speak a foreign language. Over." Ranboo cocked his head. He recognized that voice. That was the one who was holding the silver tube and shouted at him. He growled. If only I could teleport. I could get out of this metal box. He swished his tail over his legs and sat cross-legged and started braiding the fluff.

Time skip brought to you by a lazy author :)

       Ranboo looked up as the metal tube he was in thunked and the box jumped slightly as the humans landed. There was a click and one of the walls slowly fell outward. The human had fluffy brown hair and a yellow sweater. He had round sheets of something clear over his eyes. The human has two others behind him. One had a multi-colored sweater with an odd blue swirl in the middle. The other had pink hair and she also had round sheets of clear stuff on her eyes. The one with the yellow sweater raised his hands in a non-threatening way and said "hello. If you understand what I'm saying, we are not going to hurt you." Ranboo blacked and said "⊬⍜⎍⍀ ⋏⍜⏁?" ("your not?") the human lowered his hands and waved at the other two humans. 

        "This is Niki," he pointed at the girl with pink hair. "this is Karl," the pointed at the one with the blue swirl on his sweatshirt. "And I'm Wilbur, but you can call me Will." he finished. Ranboo nodded slowly and asked "⍙⊑⟒⍀⟒ ⏃⋔ ⟟?" ("where am I?") the human called Wilbur grabbed the thing on his hip and said "translation," and the thing beeped. "Can you repeat what you just said?" "⍙⊑⟒⍀⟒ ⏃⋔ ⟟?" Ranboo repeated. The thing beeped again and said, "where am I?" Ranboo blinked, startled. It repeated what he had said but in the human language. It must be a translator. But it said something on the metal tube, even when I hadn't. 

       He was brought back from his thoughts when the human named Niki answered his question. "This is the Facility. We capture hybrids and bring them here." Ranboo shivered. "C'mon," Wilbur said. Ranboo froze. He looked at the gray building in front of them. He didn't want to go in there. "Maybe we should dart it again," Karl said. Wilbur sighed and nodded. Suddenly there was a click and a sharp pain in his leg. Oh no. not again. Not again. Not again... Ranboo's thought slid down into the tiredness that had claimed him. His eyes closed and peaceful black enveloped him.


Hello! I wrote this chapter in google docs bc at first I couldn't figure out how to get bold or slanted letters, but I got it now. :) might be a bit before the next chapter, as I'm writing this while I also have school.

1391 words.

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