Part 3

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"Puffy!" Phil waved to the human. Ranboo couldn't see much from behind the large wings of the hybrid, but he could see fluffy white hair and a hat. "Hey, Phil," the human Phill had called Puffy said. "What's behind your back?" she asked, probably noticing how Phil's wings were slightly spread to hide Ranboo. Ranboo froze. "Phil....?" Phil sighed and Ranboo watched in fear as Phil closed his wings. 

Puffy gasped and said "is that the missing hybrid? Why is it in here?" "he. He's a boy. Not much older than Tommy." Ranboo wondered who Tommy was. "And he hasn't told me why he's out of his cell. I was just sitting here stretching my wings when he crashed in." Puffy looked confused. "But I thought it-he-spoke an unknown language. How could he tell you anything?" Phil rolled his eyes. "Can you say that you are the best of the best when only the hybrids themselves can understand each other? He speaks Ender." Ranboo nodded and said "⊑⟒'⌇ ⍀⟟☌⊑⏁." (he's right.) Puffy stared at Ranboo and his tail started flicking back and forth. Did I do something wrong? I know I ran away, but she's staring at me like I have two heads! 

Puffy stepped towards Ranboo and he jumped back. He curled his lips at the beginning of a snarl, showing off two rows of razor-sharp teeth. He hated doing so, as he was a vegetarian, but he needed to defend himself if the human decided to hurt him. As Puffy took another step, Ranboo saw Phil flare one of his wings to block her. "Puffy, don't. I saw what he did to Sapnap and George. I saw what he became. Don't do it to Ranboo again." Ranboo stared at Phil. what had he become? He could remember feeling taller and stronger, but nothing else. And what had he done to the other two humans Phil had called Sapnap and George? Were they okay? I hope I didn't hurt them too badly. He hated hurting things. "⍙⊑⏃⏁ ⎅⟟⎅ ⟟ ⎅⍜ ⏁⍜ ⏁⊑⟒⋔?" (what did I do to them?) Ranboo asked. 

Phil looked surprised at the question. "You don't remember? You knocked Sapnap out, but George was fine, just really shaken." he deserved it. The whisper in his mind scared him. He put water on you. He captured you and took you away. Ranboo clasped his hands over his ears. "⋏⍜. ⊑⟒... ⎅⟟⎅⋏'⏁ ⎅⟒⌇⟒⍀⎐⟒ ⏃⋏⊬⏁⊑⟟⋏☌." (no. he... didn't deserve anything.) Phil cocked his head. "What?" Ranboo felt the voice overpower him. His fault. His fault. HIS FAULT. HIS FAULT! Ranboo screeched "⋏⍜! ⋏⍜⋏⍜⋏⍜!" (NO! NONONO!) HE DID THIS TO YOU! BROUGHT YOU HERE! LOCKED YOU UP! HE DESERVES TO DIE! " ⊑⟒ ⎅⟒⌇⟒⍀⎐⟒⌇ ⏁⍜ ⎅⟟⟒!" (HE DESERVES TO DIE!) Ranboo screeched, repeating the voice and feeling the same anger, growth, and strength as last time. the white flushed out as the black took over. Once again, He grew taller and more threatening. His eyesight is tinted purple. But, instead of his world crumpling in, he crashed through the door and rampaged through the hallways, roaring "⍙⊑⟒⍀⟒ ⟟⌇ ⊑⟒?" (WHERE IS HE?) he had seen the human called George on his rampage but didn't care. He needed to find Sapnap. yes. Get him. He will pay. HE WILL PAY! The voice in his mind whispered once again. Ranboo rounded the corner only to find a very bewildered Sapnap. Ranboo Screeched and lunged at the human. He tore the headband off and he heard shouting behind him. Ranboo heard a faint voice, growing louder and louder. "Stop! Ranboo, STOP! RANBOO!" Phil is yelling at me. Ranboo realized. My only friend. What would he think if I hurt Sapnap? Ranboo didn't want Phil to hate him. He wanted to stay friends. He liked Phil. he was funny and kind, but most of all, he was willing to see Ranboo as an actual person, instead of an Enderman mistake. 

He felt the white coming back, the purple tint vanished, and the strength faded away. He turned to Phil. "⟟'⋔ ⌇⍜⍀⍀⊬. ⟟'⋔ ⌇⍜, ⌇⍜ ⌇⍜⍀⍀⊬. ⟟ ⎅⟟⎅⋏'⏁ ⋔⟒⏃⋏ ⟟⏁. ⟟⏁ ⟊⎍⌇⏁ ⊑⏃⌿⌿⟒⋏⟒⎅." (I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry. I didn't mean it. it just happened.) He felt Phil put his wing around Ranboo's shoulders and start to guide him back to his room. "what's your code, mate?" Phil had asked. Ranboo shrugged. he had only heard it once. Phil sighed and said "why don't I take you to meet S5583 and S2904? Their real names are Tubbo and Tommy. Both of them are about your age." Ranboo blinked. How does he know how old I am? Ranboo was about 13. As they walked, Ranboo saw a sign that said S1659. He saw another label that said S1420. Finally, they got to the room. This sign had two codes instead of one. S5583 and S2904. Phil opened the door and Ranboo saw one side had a jaggedy wall painted gray, probably fake rocks. The other side had a tall fake rock and a pad under it. Two boys were laying on the pad, And to Ranboo's surprise, they did look his age. One had a bandana around his neck and white wings with red tips that were about half the size of Phil's. The other had what seemed to be small ram horns, a ram tail, and fuzzy hooves instead of feet.

The two boys sat up and the Winged one shouted "Phil! Hello! What took you so fucking long?" Ranboo smothered a laugh as the boy swore and Phill rolled his eyes. "Tommy," Phil said to the one that cursed. "This is Ranboo. He's the newest hybrid." the goat one smiled and said "hey Ranboo!" "Ranboo smiled back and said "⊑⟒⌰⌰⍜!" (hello!) Ranboo laughed at the confusion on the boy's face. "Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you, he speaks Ender," Phil said, obviously trying not to laugh. "Here." Phil handed Tommy a small thing from his hip. Phil has a translator too! I guess he doesn't need it. Tommy and... what was his name again? Tubbo? They will need it. "Now, let's introduce ourselves. Ranboo, you already know me. Tommy, you go. Say your name and anything you want to ask." Tommy fluffed his wings and said "I'm Tommy, but you can call me Big Man." Ranboo raised an eyebrow at the name 'Big Man' as Tommy continued. "and I wanna ask; Why are you a Fuckin' 7-foot Oreo?" Ranboo Looked at Tommy in confusion. "⍙⊑⏃⏁'⌇ ⏃⋏ ⍜⍀⟒⍜?" (what's an Oreo?) Phil gasped. "you don't know what an Oreo is?!" Tommy and tubbo gasped as well. That just made Ranboo more confused. Phil turned around and said "ill be right back." and walked out the door.


Tubbo watched as Phil walked out the door, probably to get an Oreo for Ranboo. Tommy was Tubbo's best friend, but Tubbo felt an odd tugging towards Ranboo like he was the piece Tubbo didn't know was missing. He looked over at Ranboo one more time. Tommy wasn't kidding when he said Ranboo looked like an Oreo. the Right side was Black as night, but the other was white as the moon. Tubbo walked over to Ranboo and realized how short he looked compared to him. "You wanna climb the rocks with me?" he asked. Ranboo nodded and Tubbo ran over to the rocks. Ranboo was fat at climbing, but not as fast as Tubbo. He scaled the rocks, which go 15 feet into the air, in less than 20 seconds. Ranboo was close and behind him, Tommy was struggling to reach the holds. Ranboo looked in awe at the top of the rocks. It was a grassy-ish area, only about 10 feet of it in a wide circle. There were flowers here and there, but they weren't growing very well. Ranboo ran over to an Allium and flopped on his stomach to gaze at it. Tubbo felt a rush of happiness. I hope we can become friends. 

Tubbo turned around as he heard Tommy shout "hey, guys! Dadza's back!" Tubbo smiled at the nickname. Tommy had come up with it back when they were new at the Facility. Phil was the first Avian Tommy had seen, other than himself. Tommy had loved Phil's wings. Tubbo remembered Phil's face the first time Tommy had called him Dadza. Phil had looked confused, Surprised, and overjoyed all at once. "C'mon, Ranboo! Phil's got something for you!" Ranboo looked back and got up. For the first time, Tubbo noticed how awkward Ranboo was when he walked. It's probably because he has that metal band on his tail. I bet Ranboo usually uses it to balance. After they had gotten down, Phil presented an Oreo to Ranboo. "⟟⏁ ⎅⍜⟒⌇ ⌰⍜⍜☍ ⌰⟟☍⟒ ⋔⟒!" (it does look like me!) Ranboo exclaimed, looking excited. 

Phil handed it to Ranboo and said "here. You eat it." Ranboo looked at the treat in his hand, the promptly shoved the whole thing in his mouth. The expression on his face went from surprised to overjoyed. "⏁⊑⟟⌇ ⟟⌇ ⎅⟒⌰⟟☊⟟⍜⎍⌇!" (this is delicious!) Tubbo had no idea what Ranboo said, as Tommy had the translator. Tubbo was quite good with mechanics. I wonder if I could turn that translator into something that could be worn like an earbud, but translated as the words go through? Tubbo quite liked that idea. He looked up at Ranboo as the hybrid shyly said "☊⏃⋏ ⟟ ⏚⍀⏃⟟⎅ ⊬⍜⎍⍀ ⊑⏃⟟⍀?" (can I braid your hair?) as Tubbo looked at Ranboo in confusion, Phil said, "he asked if he could braid your hair." 

Tubbo had fluffy hair, nearly covering his eyes, but not quite. He smiled mischievously. "Only if I can braid your tail fluff." Ranboo smiled and nodded. "Let's go to my clearing." they climbed up and sat in the fluffiest grass patch they could find. Ranboo sat behind Tubbo and crossed his legs. As he started Braiding Tubbo's hair, Tubbo looked back at his and said "tail?" Ranboo looked confused for a second, then nodded and flicked his tail into Tubbo's lap. They braided until there wasn't any more hair to braid.


1688 words.

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