Part 8

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Tommy's tried to wrap his mind around what was happening, but it was hard through the agony on his back. Phil is my father. No wonder he looked so close to my mother's description. The big wings, the kind heart. 

Tommy looked at Phil. "well, I guess the nickname 'dadza' fits better than it used to." Tubbo said. Tommy laughed, and Ranboo looked like he was trying to smother a smile. Tubbo was right. "So, dadza, could we go inside? I'm dying over here," Tommy whined. Tommy had heard what Phil had said. His wings had grown out, so he was an avian, like him. That meant he could finally fly. Joy flooded through him, the pain momentarily forgotten. 

Phil nodded and opened a trapdoor that Tommy had known would be there. They climbed down the ladder one by one. Tommy and Phil had to bunch their wings against their backs to fit without them hitting the dirt walls of the tunnel. As they went down, Tommy started to feel nervous. He hadn't seen his mother in years, and he didn't know what he would say. 

He jumped the rest of the way down the ladder and looked around. Nothing has changed. It looks the same. Unlived in. too unlived in. "wheres mom?" Tommy asked, his wings flicking nervously. Phil's eyes were sad. "I've been looking for her since I escaped. I don't know where she is. But I looked around the house and found this." Phil handed him a note that looked like it had been written a while ago. It read:

Dear Tommy,

I'm sorry you had to find out this way. But if you are reading this, I am dead. I wrote this because about a year ago, I lost you. I got sick a few months later. I couldn't fix it. I'm so, so sorry. I hope you find your father. His name is Philza Minecraft. He had beautiful black wings and a bucket hat. Good luck.

Love, Kristin

Tommy felt like the floor had dropped out from under him. He was floating in an empty abyss. Is she dead? He looked at Phil. "she's dead?" Phil nodded and looked like he was trying not to cry. Tubbo ran up and hugged Tommy. Ranboo flowed suit and wrapped his long arms around him. Wait. "bucket hat? What's that?" Phil smiled a sad smile. "I'll show you." he walked into what had used to be Mumza's room. 

Tommy had just thought of the nickname, and it matched Phil's. He followed Phil into the room and watched him pick up a green and white striped hat. "This," he started. "This is my bucket hat. Your mother gave it to me and I loved it. I never wore it when I flew, in case it blew off and I couldn't find it. I had left it here when they caught me and she must have thought I had it." Phil put it on and Tommy thought it matched the cloak Tubbo had given him perfectly. 

"C'mon, let's go train those wings of yours," he said briskly as if covering up the sadness. Tommy nodded and followed him out of the room and up the ladder. As sad as he was about his mother's death, he was looking forward to training his wings. "Where are we going to go?" Tommy asked. Phil flashed him a mischievous grin and said "the cliff." Tommy smiled. He could tell this was going to be fun. 

They walked up the cliff and he relished the feeling of the wind in his hair. "You ready?" Phil shouted over the wind. Tommy nodded and spread his wings. Almost instantly the wing tried to pull him off the ground. "Go!" Phil shouted and Tommy felt hands shove him from behind. He yelped in surprise as he plummeted, flapping his wings frantically. He felt the wind lift him up, and he stopped flapping but held his wings out to either side to catch the air. 

It slowly rose him up and he looked up, only to see Phil jumping off the cliff as well. They glided there for a moment before Phil said "now let's fly. Just look where you want to go and flap hard." he flew off and Tommy followed his instructions, flapping his wings madly and looking straight ahead. It was difficult at first, and his wings were sore as fuck, but he was flying. He heard Phil shout at him, but the wind whipped his words away, "what?" Tommy shouted back. "Look!" Phil pointed down at a figure on the ground. Tommy swooped down a little to see better. He saw the flash of glasses and a yellow sweater. Tommy recognized him. He also saw fluffy brown hair that confirmed his suspicion. Wilbur?


Wilbur saw two specks in the sky swapping closer to him. Birds? No, there too big. He saw big black wings and smaller white wings with red tips. Phil and Tommy, the two avians that had escaped last night. He had been hoping to find them. He needed help.


Tommy saw Phil land gracefully in front of the human, and he tried to do the same, But ended up thudding on the ground and fell sideways. As he scrambled up, he swore he heard Wilbur snicker. "What are you doing here?" Phil said as Tommy was brushing the dirt off his wings. "Yeah, did you follow us or something?" Tommy inquired, not wanting to be left out of the conversation. "I need help. You were the only hybrids I would be able to find. I had guessed that you would be flying." 

 Tommy frowned. He thinks he's so clever. "Why should we trust you? You're a human!" but Wilbur was shaking his head. "Don't be so sure." he pulled the hair away from his ear and Tommy gasped. Instead of normal skin behind the ear, there was the signature fin of a siren hybrid. And when Wilbur held out his hand, there were faint shimmers of next-to-invisible scales. 

Phil reached out his hand toward one of the fins behind Wilbur's ear and then stopped. "May I?" Tommy knew what Phil was doing. He wanted to gently tug on the fins to make sure they were real. Wilbur seemed to know this too because he nodded. Tommy saw Phil gently tug on the fins and Wilbur winced. Phil nodded to Tommy to indicate they were real. "Why did you work at the facility if you were a hybrid too?" Tommy demanded. 

Wilbur's eyes were sad. "I had to. I lost my family, and I joined so the hybrids wouldn't get mistreated. I cared. But I couldn't show it as much as I wanted to." Tommy felt the anger fading. That's why he let Tubbo get the gifts for us. He realized. He wanted us to be happy. "So you aren't here to re-capture us?" Tommy asked. Wilbur shook his head. Phil sighed. "We should probably bring you home. I'll fly ahead to tell the others. Toms, walk with Wilbur." Tommy nodded and said "c'mon, Wilbur." as they started walking, Tommy heard Wilbur say "you can just call me Will." 


here's the next part! this took a while, and I'm proud of it. also, saying it again, WOW! 71 READS! thank you so much for the support.

1220 words.

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