Part 12

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Ranboo screamed, bubbles leaving his mouth. Water flooded his ears, burning, burning, burning. the voice was there, whispering. GET OUT. GET OUT. GET OUT!

Ranboo woke with a jolt. He turned his head and saw Tubbo sleeping next to him. He got out of bed and walked to the door. The dream was still fresh in his mind, telling him to get out. He walked outside and he relished the cold air that whipped around him. The sun hadn't risen yet, but there was a little light from the moon. Ranboo sat on the grass, contentment sweeping over him. His pointed ears twitched as he heard a faint sound. Flapping. A bird. Ranboo guessed. 

He stood up and decided to walk. Run. Ranboo heard the faintest whisper. He ignored it. Why run? There was nothing out here. Just the soft rustle of the leaves, the faintest sound of a bird chirping, and Ranboo could hear a river. He decided to see if he could find it. Don't. The whisper came again. Ranboo shrugged it off and walked toward the sound of water. Stop. Ranboo kept going. He wasn't going to let a whisper stop him. 

He reached a little clearing, flowers and ferns flourishing. The river was wide and deep, and Ranboo saw fish darting through to current. When he looked into the water, he could see his reflection of black and white, glowing red and green, and purple. Ranboo opened his mouth and wondered why it was purple. As far as he knew, neither of his parents had purple mouths. His ears twitch as he heard the flapping once more. 

 As he looked up, he saw a flash of red and white before he felt his pads slipping. Ranboo unsheathed his claws in a desprate attempt to gain balance again. There was a splash, and Ranboo felt like he was on fire. he screamed, bubbles leaving his mouth. Water flooded his ears and lungs, burning, burning, burning. the voice was there, whispering. GET OUT. GET OUT. GET OUT! Black dots began to swim in his vision, and he saw someone reaching into the water. Hands grabbed his wrist, pulled, then let go. 

The person turned, and Ranboo saw wings. A second person leaned over the water, and hands grasped his wrist again. The black dots got bigger and then Ranboo couldn't see. There was nothing but black. He was dimly aware of being pulled out of the water and someone pressing their hands against his chest rapidly. Then there was nothing.


Tommy knew he shouldn't be flying, but it felt so good to have the wind whipping his hair and flowing through his feathers. As he zoomed past, he saw a flash of black and white. Ranboo? Tommy thought. He brushed off the thought. If Ranboo wanted to be outside, that was his business. He neared a cliff and he turned vertical, pounding his wings to fly up. 

A single twinge of pain shot through the wing he had injured, but Tommy ignored it and flew up, up, up, and over the cliff. He hovered for a moment, then went on. He flew in the direction of the river, hoping to see the fish. Tommy liked fish and he liked feeding them. As he slowed, he heard a muffled scream, as if it was underwater. 

Tommy dived down to the river and saw Ranboo flailing under the surface. Tommy gasped and reached down to grab Ranboo's wrist and pulled. Ranboo's struggle had weakened, but Ranboo was still too heavy for Tommy to lift. He turned to go get help and collided with Wilbur. "Wha-why are you here?" Wilbur asked. "Doesn't matter! Ranboo is fucking dying!" Tommy pointed at the water and reached down to grab Ranboo's wrist again. At this point, Ranboo had completely stopped struggling and Tommy could see Ranboo's skin flaking off. 

Wilbur reached down as well and together they pulled the burning hybrid out of the water. Tommy lost the last of the calm he had when he saw Ranboo wasn't breathing. "Wilby! He not breathing!" but Wil had already started doing CPR. Tommy let out a breath he hadn't known he was holding as Ranboo coughed up the whole Fucking river. Ranboo's eyes were glazed and Tommy saw him lose consciousness almost immediately after spitting up the last of the water. Tomy reached forward and realized the hybrid was bleeding where the skin had been fully burned through. he grabbed the bandana off his neck and wrapped the enderman's upper arm. "Now what?" Tommy asked. 

Wilbur started hauling Ranboo up on his back and said "we need to get him home. Phil will be worried." Tommy knew he was right. It was almost sunrise, and they need to get home. He also knew there would need to be some explaining. Tommy had started flying while everyone was asleep four days ago. No one had noticed, and his wing was healing just fine. But now he was with Wilbur and a burnt Ranboo, and his wings were ruffled like they always were after he flew. And Tubbo... he would be worried sick. Tommy shook his head to clear it. They needed to get Ranboo home.


short chapter today! this is just a filler chapter that will lead to something else. hope you like it!

857 words

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