Part 17

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Sapnap was bored. The oil for his lunch wasn't boiled enough yet, so he sat there, flicking his lighter on and off. Out of nowhere, his communicator beeped, startling Sapnap. his arm jerked up to stop it, forgetting about the lighter in his hands. It flew into the oil and exploded into flame.


Tubbo was searching for Tommy and Ranboo. They had been separated when a bit of wall blocked the door. Tubbo knew they would be together because brothers can't leave each other to die. Smoke filled the air, and Tubbo called "Tommy! Ranboo!" a cough rang through the air, and Tubbo turned, frantically searching for the source. He found Ranboo huddling in a corner with Tommy in his arms. He was burned, and Ranboo looked like he was going to pass out. 

At this point, all of them had inhaled a lot of smoke, but Tubbo didn't care. He darted forward and grabbed Tommy by the waist, hoisting him up to his feet. "Ranboo! C'mon!" Tubbo grabbed the blind hybrid's hand and dragged him through the burning building, while Tommy stumbled next to him. There was a crack, and Tubbo looked up to see the ceiling collapsing. "No!" he gasped, pushing Tommy and Ranboo as hard as he could and leaped the other way, out of the rubble's path. They were separated. Again. "Boo! Get Tommy out! I'll find another way!" he shouted, hoping he would be heard. 

He turned around, searching for an exit. More smoke made its way into Tubbo's lungs, and he found a desk he could hide under. He curled his knees to his chest and coughed, his body shaking. More smoke blurred his vision, and he lay down, desperately trying to reach the clear air that still remained. Tubbo felt his burns flaring with pain, then slipped into calm-but deadly-unconsciousness.


Tommy hit the ground as Tubbo pushed him out of the way of the crumbling ceiling. The pain flared up and he saw Ranboo stumbling forward, flailing his tail to keep his balance. Tommy rushed forward and grabbed him by the arm and steadied him. "Boo! Get Tommy out! I'll find another way!" the shout came from the other side of the pile of broken ceiling. 

Ranboo must have heard it too, as he started leading Tommy to the door down the hall. Though he was tired, Tommy forced his legs to keep moving and his smoke-filled lungs heaved at the effort. There were humans everywhere outside, spraying water on the burning building. "Psst!" the bushes rustled, and an unfamiliar hybrid poked her head out. "Over here!" she hissed. "Don't be seen." Tommy shambled over, dragging Ranboo behind him. 

They pushed their way into the bushes and saw Phil and Wilbur already huddling there. "Tubbo," Tommy whispered. His throat ached. "Tubbo's still in there." the hybrid perked up. "What?" she asked. "Tubbo. He's still in there!" he repeated, then gave a cough that rattled him to the bone. "Sam!" as his name was called, a creeper hybrid poked his head through the bushes. "Yes, Hanna?" he asked. "There's a hybrid still in there." she looked at Tommy, and he described his friend. "He's a ram named Tubbo. Please," he begged. "Save him." Sam nodded and disappeared. 

Tommy's communicator sizzled with static, and Tommy gasped. "Phil!" he had to force the words out, though it felt like fire rushing through his vocal cords. "Your communicator." Ranboo nodded. "See if you can contact Tubbo." the enderman could still talk, as he had breathed in less smoke. Phil reached up and said "Tubbo! Tubbo, can you hear me? There's a hybrid looking for you. Help him find you!" there was no reply, but there was a call from one of the humans. "Hey! We found another one!" Tommy froze. Tubbo. They must have found him! 

Tommy tried to stand up, but one of his legs buckled and he collapsed. "Stay still! You need medical attention." Hanna ordered. Tommy felt something cool on his leg, but when he moved his head to look at it, pain sizzled up his wing and arm. He gasped, then darkness wrapped around him with its vast wings.


It had been three days since the fire, and Tubbo still hadn't woken up. they had to distract the human holding Tubbo, then snatched him back and had taken him to Hanna's house. Tommy refused to leave his side, and Ranboo was scared Tubbo would never wake up. He and Phil visited Hannah's every day. She was an actual doctor, and they were lucky she was there. Today, Ranboo and Phil brought Wilbur and Techno as well. Hanna was in the room 24/7, so she was there too. 

Ranboo heard Tommy shift and whisper something that Ranboo couldn't pick up. He reached forward, grabbed Tubbo's hand, and gently squeezed it. There was the faintest squeeze back, and Ranboo gasped. "Tom!" Ranboo squeezed again, and there was a retaliation, stronger this time. There was a groan, then a whisper. 

Ranboo hugged the groggy teen. "Don't ever do that again. I thought I had lost you." Tommy scolded, and Phil reached forward to hug Tubbo as well. Ranboo couldn't see it, but he could imagine the expressions the two had. "It's okay. We're all together now." Ranboo said. All together.


Tommy pressed his forehead against Tubbo's. "Please don't go. What am I without you?" he whispered. He saw Ranboo squeeze Tubbo's hand, then widen his eyes. "Tom!" he gasped, squeezing again. 

Tommy stared at Tubbo as he groaned and whispered "yourself?" Tommy started crying, and Ranboo hugged the ram. "Never do that again. I thought I had lost you." he choked out. "It's okay. Were wall together now." Ranboo comforted. Phil leaned in to hug Tubbo as well and said "screw biological. I've treated you as a son and always will." Tommy gasped, pretending to be offended, then burst out laughing, and the others joined in too, even Techno. 

Tubbo turned to Phil and asked, "can we go home?" Phil looked questioningly at Hanna and she nodded. "Just make sure Toby gets plenty of rest." Tommy furrowed his brow and said "Toby?" Tubbo smiled. That's my real name. I had to tell her so she could make a file." he rasped. Tommy huffed. "I didn't know that!" Ranboo rolled his eyes. "We can fight at home." home. Tommy hadn't been home in days. 

I can't wait.


1068 words.

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