Part 11

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It had been four weeks since Tommy had been hurt, and Tubbo was relieved. There had been a period of time before Tommy had woken up, that they thought he wouldn't make it. And now he could walk without help, and could almost flap his injured wing without it hurting. 

The wing was going to take the longest to heal, as the metal thing-they had learned that it was called a spear-had torn a tendon. The side was going to be scarred for life, but Tommy would be okay. And as time went on, Tubbo found himself growing more and more fond of Ranboo. He liked the way he smiled, the way he was constantly worried about his friends, the way he was always there, ready to get them out of trouble. 

Sometimes Tubbo wondered if Ranboo felt the same way. He could gather hints that Ranboo maybe liked him because Ranboo doesn't like physical touch. But here he is, holding his hand. They were watching Tommy complain to Phil that his wing was fine, and Phil had his face in one of his hands, objecting that the tendon hadn't fully connected. Tubbo touched one of his horns. They were small and stubby, but they would grow bigger. He knew that as he grew, his horns would grow longer and curl around his ears. That's what his father Jschlatt had looked like, anyway. "You are good?" Ranboo said awkwardly. 

Tubbo's ear twitched in amusement. Over the weeks, he had been teaching Ranboo English. He knew enough that no one had to wear the translators anymore. They still wore them, but Tubbo had removed the translator so they could still communicate. "No, It's are you good. You switched up the words. And yes, I'm okay," Tubbo corrected. "I was just thinking about my father." Ranboo looked at him. "I thought Father your's dead?" Tubbo saw the two bickering blondies turn to look at Ranboo. "Tubbo's what now?" Tommy said in amusement. "I thought Father your's dead?" Ranboo repeated. 

Even though they were talking about his dead parent, Tubbo still laughed at Ranboo's terrible English. "Ok," Tubbo said between laughs. "Repeat after me. I thought your." Ranboo's reply was slow. "I thought your." "father was dead." "father was dead.." Ranboo repeated after Tubbo. "All together now. I thought your father was dead." Ranboo looked confused. "But shouldn't father in front of Your?" Tubbo shook his head. This was going to take a while. "I'm going outside," Tommy said. 

Before he could run out the door, Phil grabbed him by the back of his shirt. "Oh no, you don't! I know you're going to go fly." Tommy struggled a bit, but gave up, as Phil's grip was strong as iron. Tubbo laughed as Tommy trudged away from the door. Then Wilbur walked into the room. His hair was messy, and the shirt he was wearing was wrinkled. He looked like he hadn't slept in a week. "What the fuck is going on," he said, rubbing one eye. "Tommy and Phil are arguing," Ranboo explained. 

Tubbo was impressed with his English until he said "Toms want to go out, but no said Phil." Wil yawned. "Ah. I heard shouting. That's what woke me up." Tubbo hadn't known Wilbur was still sleeping. "Wilby. Seriously. It's fucking four PM." Tommy said, overhearing the conversation. Wilbur seemed to lose his drowsiness. "WHAT? Who let me sleep in that late?"

"no one knew you were still sleeping." a new voice said.

A large piglin stood in the doorway. "We thought you had gone somewhere." Techno continued. "Still though. I share a room with you. How did you not know I was there?" Wilbur asked Tommy. "Oh, I don't know, maybe it's because you slept in a FUCKING CACOON?" there was a muffled "language!" from another room. "You literally looked like a mess of blanket." Toms continued. Tubbo snickered at the offended expression on Wilbur's face. Tubbo felt Ranboo shaking with smothered laughter. "Anyway, what do you guys want to do?" Ranboo said, leaning his elbow on Tubbo's head as if he were an armrest. Tubbo ducked out from under him and watched as Ranboo stumbled into the couch and fell face-first. He raised a single thumbs up and said a muffled "I'm good." he flipped himself over as Tommy said, "hey there." Ranboo looked at him and replied, "hey there." Tommy flashed a mischievous look at Tubbo. "Heh-paint me like one of you french..." Tommy trailed off as he started a fit of laughing. (if you know you know) everyone started laughing again, and Tubbo even caught a glimpse of Techno smiling. Tubbo remembered how this had started with him thinking of his father. He's gone. Tubbo looked around the room and smiled.

But I have a new family now.


sorry it's short. I'm running out of ideas, so if you could comment your ideas, that would help. it might be a while till the next chapter, and thank you for the support so far. 

835 words.

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