Part 10

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TW: blood, vicious cut (I'm not sure if that's a TW but whatever)

Tommy pressed his finger to his com and screeched "GET OUT OF THERE! DREAM IS COMING!" the hooded green figure was stalking towards the front door when Tommy heard Ranboo reply "Tommy, start flying home. We'll meet you there." you won't have to tell me twice! Tommy thought as he flew as fast as his wings could carry him. He saw his friend appear out of nowhere further ahead of him, out of the sight of Dream. 

Suddenly there was a whistle coming from below him, and a flash of pain in his side as fierce as thunder. He screamed in agony and saw that a sharp metal thing had whizzed past him and caught him in the side. It hadn't impaled him, but it was pretty close. 

Tommy realized he was falling, and when he flapped his wings, pain flashed from one of them. The sharp thing had caught his wing too. He hit the ground with a thump and his head hurt like fire, as he crashed head-first. he saw his friends whirl around at the noise. Tommy heard Tubbo gasp. "Toms! Are you alright?" Tommy gave a breathles laugh. "C'mon, Tubbs. Do I look alright?" Tommy realized that Ranboo was laying on the ground, unconscious. The teleport must have taken a lot of energy. Tommy thought groggily. Honestly, Wil and Techno might have to carry two people instead of one. He knew Fundy and Bad probably wouldn't be able to help, considering that Tommy was bigger than Fundy. 

Bad was more height than brawn. "Tech! Help me get Ranboo on your back. I'll carry Tommy." Wilbur said. That was smart, Tommy decided. Ranboo was bigger than Wilbur, and Wil wouldn't be able to carry him. Tommy watched hazily as Wilbur hefted Ranboo onto Technoblade's back, and whimpered in pain when Wilbur accidentally bonked his mangled-up side with his elbow. "Hey, Wilby, be careful. That hurts." Tommy whined, half loopy with pain. He saw Wilbur exchange an amused glance with Tubbo. "What did you call me?" said Wilbur. 

Tommy realized what he had said. I'm fucked. "Wil...bur?" Tommy tried to escape the question. "No, no you didn't. You said, Wilby. You said fucking Wilby." Tubbo objected. Tommy sighed, then regretted it as another spasm of pain flashed through his side. gingerly he took a closer look at his side.

Beginning of TW

Apparently, it had been his lower ribs, not his side, and It looked like he had been slashed by a sword. There was a jagged tear through the skin and muscle, and blood was still dripping out of the wound. And when Tommy looked closely, he could see flashes of white under the torn muscle.

End of TW

His wing wasn't as bad. It was just a cut. Big enough to stop him from flying, but not so big he would lose a lot of blood. In fact, it had stopped bleeding, and the blood was crusting up. They walked for what seemed like hours, and after a little bit, dots started swimming in his vision. They got bigger and bigger, and they engulfed him in an abyss of black.

* * *

"Ripped tendon...not being able to fly... lost a lot of blood...hope he makes it." Tommy woke to a conversation. He could only catch bits of it. "I'm going to go check on him." Tommy heard the voice and he wondered who is that? His mind was fuzzy, and he couldn't recognize the voice. It definitely wasn't mother. The person who walked through the doorway had black wings and blond hair. He wore a forest-green cloak and he had a crow on his shoulder. An avian. Tommy thought. The person's eyes lit up. "Tommy! Your awake!" he reached to give Tommy a hug, but Tommy flinched back. "Who... who are you?" Tommy asked, confused. The avian took a step back, surprise showing in his eyes. "What do you mean? It's me, Phil! Your dad!" Tommy looked at him in confusion. "No, you can't be. Mother and I lost you years ago." 

Phil's wings drooped. "You really don't remember? Tommy, I'm sorry, but... your mother is dead." he handed Tommy a piece of paper. Tommy's eyes skimmed over the note, sadness wrapping him in its vast wings. "She...she's dead? If you know where the house is, I guess you really are my father. But... why does my side hurt? And why is it bandaged?" Phil sighed. He waved his hand for Tommy to follow him. 

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