Part 14

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Ranboo was getting used to the dark. It had been two days since he was blinded, and he could still do some things he thought blind people couldn't. "Hey, Ranboo." Ranboo's ear flicked. Tommy. "Hey, Tommy. What it is?" he heard Tommy snicker. "No, Ranboo. It's what is it, not what it is." Ranboo furrowed his brow. "What is it?" he tried. Silence. "Oh, um, Phil called a meeting," Tommy said. Ranboo nodded and got up, feeling for a wall. 

He had been laying on the bed, so the wall he reached was the left one. He followed it forward and turned, feeling the corner, and walked until he felt an opening. He walked forward and heard Tommy next to him. "Stairs," Tommy said, and Ranboo slowed down. Ranboo hated the stairs, as they slowed him down now that he couldn't see. The ladder to get down was also annoying. He tripped a few times as they went upstairs, and Ranboo internally hated that he needed help to climb stairs. I'll get the hang of it eventually. "Ranboo!" Ranboo felt hands wrap around his waist as he reached the top of the stairs. "Hey, Tubbo" Ranboo hugged back. 

He was getting better at physical touch, but Tubbo was the only one he was fully comfortable with. "You wanted to see?" Ranboo asked. "Yes, follow me." Tubbo responded, grabbing his hand and leading him into the main room. "Hey, Ranboo, how are you?" Phil. "Hi, Ran!" Wilbur. Ranboo smiled. "Hey, Wilby. Hey Phil." he heard a huff from the direction he heard Wilbur before and laughed. "So, why did you bring everyone here?" Ranboo asked. "How do you know how many people are here?" Phil asked. 

"Easy. I can hear the click of hooves, but Tubbo is next to me, so that must be Techno. And I knew you and Wil were here, so that rules you guys out for the quiet shuffle of feet. And it has a slight fuffle of fur, so that's Fundy. And I can hear slight stomps, so then it's just a matter of who I haven't called yet. Hello, Bad." Ranboo replied, turning to the winged hybrid. 

"That's fucking awesome." Ranboo heard Tommy say. "Back to the reason I called you all here," Phil said, clearing his throat. Ranboo turned in the direction he thought Phil was, then felt a hand on his shoulder turning him slightly to the right. "Tommy, tell them what you told me." Ranboo heard a deep breath, then Tommy spoke. 

"I was flying this morning," he began, sounding scared. "When I saw a big metal truck. It was moving toward the Facility, and I... I followed it. When it got to the Facility, they took a metal box out, and took it inside." Ranboo heard a shaky breath. "Ranboo... it was the same box they carried you in. when they first brought you." Fundy gasped. "You mean..." Ranboo's mind was spinning. 

The Facility had captured another hybrid.


Tommy was flying. It was dawn, and Ranboo still hadn't woken up. He knew the ender hybrid must have been tired after yesterday's events, but it was so unlike Ranboo to wake up after dawn. He had always been the first to wake up, and Tommy was getting worried. There was a flash of light further ahead, and Tommy beat his wings harder to investigate. A... truck? Why is there a truck? The realization hit him like a bolt of lightning. It's heading toward the Facility! They must have captured a new monster. I have to tell Phil. Tommy whirled around so fast that he almost fell out of the sky and flew as fast as his wings would carry him. The ground flashed below him, and he shot over the trees surrounding the trapdoor. 

He saw a flash of brown on the ground a dived. Tommy thudded onto the trapdoor and opened it, jumping down as the ladder would take too long. Closing the trapdoor behind him, he ran to Phil's room, seeing the bird hybrid hadn't woken up yet. He poked Phil's side and said "Dadza! Wake up!" there was a muffled groan, followed by a "what is it?" Tommy poked him again. "The Facility has captured another hybrid!" the drowsiness disappeared and Phil sat up. "What? We need to tell the others. Go get Ranboo. I'll get the others." Tommy nodded and ran out the door to Ranboo's room. Ranboo shared a room with Tubbo downstairs, and Tommy ran down.

 He knew Tubbo was already awake, as he had run past him while going to Phil's room. He opened the door and saw Ranboo laying facedown on the bed. "Hey, Ranboo." Ranboo's ear flicked as he responded "hey, Tommy. What it is?" Tommy snickered. "No, Ranboo. It's what is it, not what it is." Ranboo tried again. "What is it?" Tommy nodded, then remembered Ranboo was blind. "Oh, um, Phil called a meeting." Ranboo nodded and Tommy watched him get up and shamble along the wall to the doorway. Tommy was impressed with how well Ranboo could walk without seeing where he was going. "Stairs," he warned, and the enderman hybrid slowed down to walk up. Ranboo tripped a few times, but Tommy was there to catch him. 

When they reached the top of the stairs, Tubbo ran at them and said "Ranboo!" and wrapped his arms around his waist. Ranboo stiffened, then relaxed and said "hey, Tubbo." Tommy envied the bond the two had. "You wanted to see?" Ranboo said, and Tommy smiled. "Yes, follow me." grabbing Ranboo's hand, Tubbo led Ranboo into the main room with Tommy trailing behind. He walked through the others to Phil and said "now what? We have them all here. What are you going to tell them?" Phill shook his head. "No, it's what you're going to tell them." the winged man said, then turned to greet Ranboo. "Hey, Ranboo, how are you?" Tommy saw Ranboo smile. "Hey, Wilby. Hey Phil." Will huffed at the nickname and Ranboo laughed. "So, why did you bring everyone here?" the blind boy asked. 

Tommy furrowed his brow, and Phil asked "how do you know how many people are here?" Ranboo's ear twitched. "Easy. I can hear the click of hooves, but Tubbo is next to me, so that must be Techno. And I knew you and Wil were here, so that rules you guys out for the quiet shuffle of feet. And it has a slight fuffle of fur, so that's Fundy. And I can hear slight stomps, so then it's just a matter of who I haven't called yet. Hello, Bad." Tommy widened his eyes as Ranboo turned to Bad. "that's fucking awesome." he breathed. everyone else looked amazed as well. "Back to the reason I called you all here," Phil said, clearing his throat. 

Tommy turned to him, wondering what he should say. I'll just say the truth. He decided. "Tommy, tell them what you told me." Tommy took a deep breath. "I was flying this morning," he began, "When I saw a big metal truck. It was moving toward the Facility, and I... I followed it. When it got to the Facility, they took a metal box out, and took it inside." Tommy took in a shaky breath, knowing how the enderman would react. "Ranboo... it was the same box they carried you in. when they first brought you." Fundy gasped. "You mean..." he trailed off. Tommy nodded. 

"The Facility has captured another hybrid." the room exploded into worried arguing. "We need to get them out of there," Wilbur said. But Bad shook his head. "Not so soon after you broke us out," he argued. "They will have stepped up the guard, and we don't even know where the hybrid is being held." Fundy stepped in. "but we all know how terrible it is in there." Phil tried to be heard, but all the clamor was cutting him off. "GUYS! SHUT UP!" a voice rose above all the others, making them shut their mouths. 

Tommy looked around and found Ranboo shouting. "You need to stop shouting at each other! My ears hurt, and so do Tubbo and Fundy's! If you can't make up your minds civilly, then please go outside." his blind eyes were flashing with anger. Tommy looked at the fox and saw he had been covering his ear while he was shouting. Fundy slowly removed them and said "Ranboo's right. We need to stop shouting." 

Phil nodded. "But first, let's eat breakfast. We can't decide anything on empty stomachs." 


sorry for the bad ending to this chapter. I needed to finish it, and my computer is about to die. so. see you next time!

1454 words.

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