Part 16

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Tommy crept through the halls, trying not to wake anybody. It was finally new moon, which meant it would be pitch-black. The perfect time for his plan. He knew it was kind of stupid to break out the hybrid alone, but he had his new coordinate tracker, so... the floor creaked, and Tommy froze. A quiet snore filled the air, but nothing more. Slowly, he started walking again. "Fuck." he whispered when he reached the stairs. 

The stairs were old, and they made the fucking loudest creak ever. Tommy spread his wings, preparing to fly up them. They weren't low, but Ranboo had to duck a little to go up, so Tommy had just enough space to fly. He also had a genetic thing called 'owl feathers' that allowed him to fly in total silence. Gliding up the stairs, he realized he should probably just keep flying all the way to the trapdoor, as he sucked at landing and would probably make a racket. He reached the trapdoor and the cool night breeze hit him, making him shiver. 

As he propelled himself up, he thought about the information he had gathered over the past two days. The hybrid was being held in Ranboo's old enclosure, and the guard rotation had increased so there were only fifteen minutes between the day guards and the night ones. There were also security cameras now. And the daylight guard with the headband-Sapnap-now had a lighter and liked to play with fire. Tommy had seen him accidentally burn a roll of paper towels, a trash bag, and his headband. Subpoena had gotten a new one, but he still carried a lighter around in his pocket.

 The Facility came into sight, and Tommy flew lower, trying not to be seen. Spotting the window that led to where the hybrid was being held, he dived, silent. For the first time, he saw the hybrid. It had green, almost see-through skin that glopped like slime, and a white t-shirt. A slime hybrid. Tommy checked the time. 11:56. Almost time. He tapped on the glass gently to get the slime's attention. It looked up, saw Tommy, and waved. Tommy pressed the piece of paper he had brought so the hybrid could read it. It said; 

  hello, my name is Tommy. I'm breaking you out.

The hybrid's eyes widened and it nodded enthusiastically. It opened its mouth to say something but closed it again when Tommy made a shushing gesture with his finger. He pulled out a glasscutter (not sure if that's what it's called but whatever) and held it against the glass, tracing a circle. It fell out smoothly, but the edges were still sharp. "Come on, let's get out of here!" Tommy whispered to the slime. "Hi, Tommy! I'm Charlie Slimecicle." Tommy flicked his wings. "Keep your voice down! Here," he hissed, reaching his hand down for Charlie to grab. 

As he was leaning over the edge, his wings spread to help keep his balance, a shout echoed through the halls. "HEY!" the yell startled Tommy and he fell, and searing pain flashed through his wing as he caught it on the edge of the glass. Panicking, he turned to Charlie and said "climb up. I'll support your feet to get you higher." the slime nodded and reached his arms up while Tommy grabbed his feet and lifted him up. "I got a hold!" Charlie said, hauling himself out of the cell. Tommy had been rapidly writing on the piece of paper. 

He handed it to Charlie and said "these are the coordinates to my friends. Tell them that you are the hybrid from the Facility, and then give the paper to a Ram named Tubbo. Go!" Tommy looked behind him, hearing the footsteps coming closer. He looked at the hybrid and said "tell them I'm sorry." Charlie nodded and ran. Just then, Quackity burst through the door, with Sapnap right behind him. "Hey, your not the other one!" he shouted. "Yeah, no shit sherlock!" Tommy said, flipping him off. 

Quackity grabbed Tommy's arm. they hauled Tommy to his old room-but not without injury. Tommy had managed to bite Sapnap twice and had given Quackity a black eye with his forehead. Yes, he had a headache, but it was worth it. His old enclosure had been modified, as it now had a double door and a security cam in both corners. Dream sees everything. "I hope you'll like a whole day without food," Subpoena said smugly. 

Tommy flipped them off one more time before the door shut. He sighed. This had been a terrible idea. What had he been thinking? Tommy trudged over to the mat where he had often slept and closed his eyes, praying this was all a dream.


Tubbo was frantically searching every corner of the house, trying to find Tommy. When he had woken up, he had dismissed it, assuming he had gone on an early-morning flight as he sometimes did. But now it was noon, and he still hadn't come back. Tubbo had woken the others, but there was still no trace of Tom. a knock came from the trapdoor, and Tubbo ran forward, hoping it was Tommy. 

He flung the trapdoor open, and there stood a green boy with a piece of paper. "Hi! Are you Tommy's friends?" Tubbo nodded. "Have you seen him?" he asked. The slime looked regretful. "Yes. I'm Charlie, but Tommy said you would know me as the hybrid from the Facility." behind Tubbo, Phil gasped. "You mean... he went without us?" Charlie nodded. "He said to tell you he's sorry. The last time I saw him, he was trapped in my cell, telling me to find you. And he gave me this to a ram named Tubbo." he held up the piece of paper.

 "That's me," Tubbo said, beating back the tremor in his voice. He took the paper and scanned over it. It had a set of coordinates, a note that told Charlie he was being broken out, and something written in Ender. Tubbo's eyes widened. Before Ranboo had gone blind, he had insisted on teaching them how to write in Ender, in exchange for teaching him English. The note read;

Hey, Tubbs. I'm currently stuck in the Facility. Here are some things to help you get me out.

It listed the guard rotation, the gap and overlays between rotations, and that Sapnap had gained a lighter and will accidentally set things on fire. Tubbo turned to Phil. "we have to do something." tears were building up in his eyes. "I can't lose Toms to the Facility." Phil looked as if he were about to say something, but he got interrupted by Ranboo. "Do you smell that?" he said. Ranboo had gained an incredible sense of smell, but now that it was mentioned, Tubbo did smell something. 

He whipped around to Phil. "Smoke!" it wasn't the house, so they rushed outside. A plume of smoke rose in the distance, and Fundy whimpered. "The Facility." Tubbo breathed. The Facility had caught fire, with Tommy inside.


1179 words.

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