Part 5

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Tommy knew that there was something between Tubbo and Ranboo. They might be blind, but he wasn't. The way that seeing Ranboo made Tubbo smile, the way Ranboo had turned red after Tubbo had whispered in his ear, the way Ranboo's face had lit up when he saw the crown, and the way they smiled at each other like they couldn't stop themselves. 

No one knew what Tubbo had said to Ranboo except them. Tubbo wouldn't say, and he hadn't had a chance to ask Ranboo. The gifts were cool, especially the tiny vest Tubbo had gotten for Phil's crow. But his favorite was the green bandana that Tubbo had given him before the others had arrived. Tommy had tied it around his neck and vowed to never take it off. He fluffed his wings to focus himself. This is it. Today is the day. He spread his wings and jumped. He flapped as hard as he could, but he kept going down. 

He hit the pad at the bottom with a slight thud. Today was apparently not the day. One day. One day I will fly. All Tommy could do was glide. It fucking sucked. Phil said that Tommy couldn't fly because he was an elytrian, and Phil could fly because he was an avian, so they were different hybrids. Tommy wondered if Phil only told him that elytrians couldn't fly because he felt bad for Tommy. He spread his white and red-tipped wings and folded one over his chest so he could preen it. (is preen the right word?) Tommy went through the feathers, pulling out the ones that were falling out, and cleaning the ones that weren't. Straightening them, ruffling them so they rested comfortably. 

Tommy took a deep breath and sat up. I will be the first elytrian to fly. I will be the first. Images of him flying in the cloud-streaked sky, with Phil right behind him. Of the wind whipping his hair, of the world spread out under him, of flying with the crows and bluejays and cranes. Tommy and the birds would share one thing. Wings. Tommy lay his head back on the mat and closed his eyes. I will fly one day. One day...his thoughts drifted away as he fell away to sleep.


Caw! Caw! Phil flicked his wings and shushed his crow. He had known that a human was coming. Phil hid behind a corner and froze as he heard human steps coming closer. He crouched, his black shirt blending in with the shadows. The human walked forward and Phil recognized him. The human turned his head. A white mask with a black smiley face looked at the wall where Phil was crouching. He felt a shudder of fear going up his spine as Phil moved his hand to the spot on his side that was bandaged. That was the human that had shot him out of the air. That was the human that had taken him away from his wife. The human that had made her raise their not-yet-born kid. He felt rage boiling up inside of him and he stiffened, not wanting the human to see him. "Hello." Phil felt his blood turn to ice. Is he talking to me? "I am talking to you." Phil looked into the eyes of the smiley face.

Phil woke with a jolt. Sweat ran down his face as he tried to calm himself. It was a dream. That didn't happen. That didn't happen. You are fine. Phil felt a stab of regret. He missed Kristen. He missed his son whom he never met. I feel like I was a bad father. I never got to be there. 12 years of not having a father. Well, technically only 11. Tommy and Tubbo had been so young when they were brought in, and Phil had promised himself that he would take care of them. His kid would never have a father, but Phil didn't want the same fate for Tommy or Tubbo. They were both just innocent kids. One day. One day I will find my kid. But until then, I will continue to take care of Tommy and Tubbo.


Ranboo walked through the halls with Niki by his side. Hybrids weren't allowed to walk the halls alone anymore, not since S9712 had disappeared. Ranboo had never gotten to meet him, but apparently, he had also been a Ram hybrid like Tubbo, with similar hooves, tail, and ears, but his horns were long and curled around his ears. He was apparently obsessed with a human drink. What was it called again? Alcohol? Ranboo wasn't sure. But he had disappeared three days ago. So that was how Ranboo was on his way to the office owned by someone named Dream to be interrogated. Ranboo was told Dream ran the Facility, and he'd had a curl of rage build up in him. This was the person that ripped families apart, took innocent hybrids away, and locked them up. They got to a door and Niki stopped, grabbed the communicator, and said "Dr.Dream, do we have permission to enter?" it buzzed and said we're just finishing up. What does he mean? Who's in there? Just then, the door clicked and Tubbo walked out. 

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