Part 9

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When they arrived at the little trapdoor, Wilbur saw that Phil had brought Ranboo and Tubbo outside. Ranboo looked like he was having a fucking panic attack, and Tubbo looked like he was trying to help Ranboo not have a panic attack. As far as Wilbur knew, Ranboo had always liked his personal space, but apparently, Tubbo also liked Ranboo's personal space. Wilbur had a hunch that they liked each other. But he had no proof, as Tubbo had almost always been a physical person. he knew that Ranboo liked Tubbo though. 

Since he had brought him to the Facility, Ranboo had never liked people touching him. But he willingly held Tubbo's hand and allowed Tubbo to hug him, so that was obvious. "Tommy, does Ranboo like Tubbo?" he whispered in the avian's ear. Tommy snorted and nodded. Wilbur thought about that. "Does Tubbo like Ranboo?" Wilbur could tell Tommy was thinking hard. "I'm not sure. He acts like he does, but he kind of acts like that to everyone." Phil cleared his throat to get everyone's attention. Wilbur looked at the avian, admiring him. 

Phil had always acted like a dad to all the hybrids and even a few of the humans. It was incredible. "As we all know, Wilbur has sought help from us, and he had a right to, as he is also a hybrid. Why do you need help?" Wilbur had prepared this speech from the second he had found out the hybrids had escaped. "I need your help to break out the other hybrids. Almost all of them have families to get back to, and I hate hurting them. They never deserved to be there, and I can't bear to sit aside and let the humans torture them." Wilbur tried to read the expressions the others made. 

Tommy looked like he was going to say yes immediately. Phil looked thoughtful. Tubbo looked confused. Ranboo looked like he was going to agree with Tubbo. "Listen, I know this is a lot to take in, but-" Wilbur started, but got cut off by Phil. "no, you listen. We aren't going to force anyone into doing this. Toms?" Tommy nodded. "I think we should break them out." "Tubbo?" Phil continued. "I think we should plan it out before we decide." Ranboo nodded in agreement. Wilbur had planned it before he had left. 

"I know how to get in. I still have my admin card. It will get us in even after dark without sounding the alarm. It will open the cells too. We just have to be quick and quiet." 

Tubbo nodded. "And if it doesn't work, I can disable the alarms. I did it before." Wilbur thought about that. They hadn't found any broken alarms when Phils had escaped. "Speaking of alarms, how did you escape?" Tommy said, apparently having the same thought. "I... had some help." was all the elder avian said. "Once more, a vote. All in favor of going tonight?" Ranboo, Tommy, and Tubbo Raised their hands, along with Phil. Wilbur smiled. 

They were going to break out the hybrids.


Ranboo was beginning to feel nervous. He had voted to break out the other hybrids tonight, but then Wil had told them the catch. "It must be a small group. Ranboo, Tubbo, Tommy, and I should go." The idea was that Wilbur, Tubbo, Tommy, and himself would be the best people for the job. Tubbo could disable the alarms, Wilbur had the admin card, Tommy could watch from above with his wings, and Ranboo could teleport them out if absolutely necessary. 

He could, but it took a great deal of energy from him. If they ended up teleporting, they would most likely have to carry a passed-out Ranboo back to camp. He would be fine if it was just him, but teleporting others along with him is what drains his energy. 

He had warned them about this, and they had promised to teleport only as a last resort. They would each go for a different hybrid, with Ranboo assigned to Fundy, Tubbo to Bad, and Wilbur to Technoblade. Tommy would be watching from above and they would use the translators they all had to communicate, as Tubbo had modified them so they could also be used as communicators. The plan took action at midnight once again. It took roughly 10 minutes to walk there, so they had to leave in a couple of minutes. Ranboo was working up the energy to teleport, just in case. This was going to be one of the most dangerous things they had ever done.

Time skip to when they are inside the Facility.

Ranboo let out a sigh of relief. Wilbur's card had opened the door without any fuss. Ranboo touched the button on his communicator and whispered "Wil! What's the passcode for Fundy's door?" the reply came almost instantly. "7912" Ranboo punched in the code and the door opened. 

Fundy looked up and looked like he was about to screech. Ranboo jumped forward and wrapped his hand around the Fox hybrid's mouth to shush him. He put his finger to his mouth to signal to Fundy to be quiet. The hybrid nodded and asked, "why are you here?" Ranboo knew Fundy didn't have a communicator, so he waved his hand over at the door. 

Fundy's eyes lit up and said "we're escaping?" Ranboo nodded and led him to the door and whispered into the communicator "I've got Fundy. I'll be waiting at the front door." when they reached the door, Ranbioo saw Tubbo and Bad waiting there as well. Ranboo almost laughed out loud at the height difference. Tubbo was about 5"5', and the demon hybrid towered over the goat, being almost 9" tall. It was hilarious. "Tubbo," Ranboo whispered. The goat looked at him. "Yeah?" "have you seen Wil?" Tubbo shook his head. Ranboo pressed his finger to the communicator. "Wilbur? Where are you?" no answer. Ranboo tried again. "Wil?" "yes?" Ranboo let out a breath he hadn't known he was holding. "Have you got Techno?" Ranboo asked. 

He really wanted to get out of there. "Yes, we're on our way." then, with a screech that made Ranboo's ears hurt, Tommy yelled into the communicator. "GET OUT OF THERE! DREAM IS COMING!" Ranboo started to panic. Were they going to get this close to breaking the others out, but in the end fail? "No. we will not fail." Ranboo grabbed Tubbo's hand. Wilbur grabbed Tubbo's, then Fundy and bad followed suit, Techno being the last to grab on. "Hold on tight! Tommy, start flying home. We'll meet you there." Ranboo said. He closed his eyes and thought of home. he thought of the trapdoor, the green undergrowth. "Guys, I might not have enough energy to get us all the way there, but I will try." the second the words left his mouth, the world crumpled inward, and Ranboo had a split second to hear a scream of agony and a thump somewhere near by, then everything went black.


I will get the next chapter out soon! I hope you like this one. :)

1183 words.

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