Part 6

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"We need to leave," Tubbo said, looking Ranboo in the eye. He felt a shiver of fear creep down his spine. They couldn't just leave. The guards would stop them. "But... why?" Ranboo had asked, feeling confused. Tubbo's eyes were sad and desprate. "They're going to kill you," he blurted. "After you attacked Dream, they decided that you were too dangerous." Ranboo was shocked. Kill me? I know I attacked Dream, but kill me? "We're going to escape tonight. Be ready at midnight. Me and Tommy will come to get you." Tubbo whispered. "What about Phil? Shouldn't we take him too? He lost his wife and his son. Maybe he can find them again." Tubbo had paused, then nodded. "Okay. I'll go warn him." Ranboo gathered Tubbo in his arms. Tubbo hugged back. "Good luck," Ranboo said.

Ranboo was pulled out of the memory as the door opened and Puffy stepped in, holding a tray. Ranboo chirped happily. Dinner! He looked closer. With blueberries! Yes! Ranboo liked Puffy. She was nice. "Hey, Ranboo. How are you?" she asked. Ranboo sighed internally. If only I could tell you. So instead he said "good. Are those blueberries?" he asked, trying to change the subject before it got to a place he didn't want to talk about. Puffy smiled. "Yep. I know you love them." she did. The first time a meal had included blueberries he had jumped around in excitement like a little kid. She's one of the only humans I'm going to miss. Just then, a little black bird flew in. one of Phil's crows. It was holding a paper in its beak. It flew over and dropped the letter in Ranboo's lap and sat down. Ranboo grabbed the letter and saw that it was in Ender so the humans couldn't intercept and read it. Ranboo read the letter.

Hello Ranboo. I sent this letter to Tubbo as well. I am writing this to tell you that I have already escaped. I overheard Tubbo and Tommy's conversation and knew I had to get out, in case Dream tried to kill other hybrids. I have a spot to hide after you get out. go to these coordinates; X98, Y73, Z328. good luck.


Ranboo's eyes widened. Already? I thought we escaped at midnight. But at least he sent coordinates. "What does it say?" Puffy asked. Ranboo handed the letter to Puffy, knowing that she wouldn't be able to read it. "Just a letter from my friend. You won't be able to read it. It's in Ender." Ranboo replied. Puffy stared at it, as though if she stared at it enough her eyes would translate it. "Can I have some paper?" Ranboo asked. He needed to write back. "I'll give you a note in a second," he said to the crow. He knew it could understand him. Puffy handed him a piece of paper and pencil and Ranboo started writing.

Alright. Tubbo, Tommy, and I escape at midnight. See you there.


He handed the note to the crow and it flew off. I hope he gets it soon. I wonder if Tubbo wrote back? It didn't matter. All he knew was that at midnight, he would be sneaking out of the Facility and feeling fresh air for the first time in months. But Ranboo wasn't scared. He felt nervous, yes, but he would be outside. He was ready.


All staff please report to their sleeping quarters. Good night. The speakers said. Tommy knew that meant it was almost time to go. From what he knew, the speakers said that at 10:00 every night. Two more hours. Then we go. The plan was simple. When the clock hit midnight, Tubbo would pick the lock on the door after disabling the alarm. They went to go get Ranboo, then snuck out the door and into freedom. 

There weren't any guards at night, only the alarms on the doors. If one of them opened without a badge after everyone was called to their rooms, an alarm would go off and someone would stay by the door until morning. Tubbo had spent the whole day looking at the alarm, figuring out how to disable it. From Tommy's point of view, that alarm looked impossible to disable. But if you had skill, it would be easy. Luckily for them, Tubbo had that skill. Tommy was getting impatient, so he decided to clean his wings. 

Once again, he pulled out the loose feathers, straightened the ones that weren't, and cleaned out the dust and grass stains that had gotten on them. I have wings, and all I do is clean them because they won't let me fly! "nervous?" a voice said behind him. Tommy jumped and turned around to see Tubbo. "Wha-no! I'm fine!" Tommy sputtered, the question catching him off guard. 

Tubbo raised an eyebrow. "But you were preening your wings. You do that when you're nervous." Tommy cursed in his head. Tubbo knows me too well. "Yes," Tommy admitted. "I'm nervous. But for a good reason. Yes, Phil got out, but he was alone. This time, it's going to be three of us." Tubbo had shown Tommy the note. It had said that a similar one was going to Ranboo and that he had escaped after overhearing Tommy and Tubbo's conversation. 

Ding, ding, ding. 

Tommy looked at the speaker and then back at Tubbo. "Three dings," he said. "11:30" Tubbo finished. After 10:00, every 30 minutes there would be a ding. They must have missed the other two. "Almost time to go get Ranboo. Then..." Tubbo trails off. "Then we escape," Tommy said. Tubbo looked Tommy in the eyes and for the first time, Tommy saw anxiety that Tubbo normally wouldn't let in. 

"come here," Tommy said putting his wing around Tubbo. "Let me braid your hair." he knew that would calm Tubbo down. Ever since Ranboo had done it for the first time, Tubbo was constantly nagging Tommy or Phil to braid it when Ranboo wasn't there. Tubbo nodded and Tommy sat there braiding Tubbo's hair until four dings came from the speaker.


Sorry for the short chapter. I wanted to get out some info before the exciting chapter. this next one might take longer than the others, as I plan on making it long and exciting. adios till next time!                             

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