Part 15

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"There," Tubbo smiled. "Now we can tell each other where we are." Tommy looked down at the device Tubbo had strapped to his wrist. It was a black leather strap with a glass film on one part that showed three sets of numbers. "What is it?" Tommy asked. "It's a coordinate tracker. So we can tell each other where we are." Tommy was impressed. "Ranboo's is a bit different from ours." Tommy nodded and glanced at what Tubbo was holding. 

It was the same at his, but instead of a glass film with numbers, it was a material unknown to Tommy, with textured dots that shifted when Tubbo moved. "It's called brail. It's kind of like English, but bumps instead of letters." Tubbo explained. This will be useful for my plan. Tommy thought. In two nights, during the new moon, I will- Tubbo cut off his thoughts by saying "c'mon, let's give the others their coordinate trackers." and handed Tommy three. 

"Give these to Phil, Fundy, and Techno. I'll give these two to Boo, Bad, and Wilby." Tubbo told him, and Tommy wandered off to find Phil first. His mind wandered back to the argument they had had the night before. 

"We need to get the hybrid out of there." Wilbur had argued. "It's too soon. They must have raised the guard." Bad shot back. Tommy had agreed with Wilbur. They needed to get the hybrid out. Before the argument could descend into chaos, Phil had stood up. "Enough! We will vote." he reasoned. "All in favor of breaking ut the hybrid, raise your hand." Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, and Fundy all raised their hands. "All in favor of waiting?" Bad, Phil, Techno, and Ranboo raised their hands. "It's a tie." Phil's eyes flashed with amusement. "Each team send one person to do rock, paper, scissors." 

Tommy's team had chosen Tubbo, and Bad was going against him. In the end, Bad won, and they were waiting. Tommy had honestly thought Ranboo would join to break out the hybrid, but he had raised his hand to wait, mouthing 'I'm sorry' in Tubbo's direction. "Hey, mate!" Phil's voice brought Tommy out of his memory. "Oh, hey, Dadza, I was actually looking for you. Here." Tommy handed Phil the tracker. 

Phil's eyes lit up. "A coordinate tracker! Did Tubbo make this?" Tommy nodded, confused. "how do you know what it is?" Phil smiled. "Do you know how old I am?" Tommy shook his head. "Mate, I'm probably older than all of you combined. I haven't seen a coordinate tracker in decades." Tommy's jaw dropped. "Decades... I thought you were, like, fucking thirty-five or some shit!" Phil laughed and shook his head. "All I'm saying is that Tubbo is a very skilled mechanic. You have some for the others too?" Tommy nodded. "Yeah, Tubbo asked me to pass them out." he walked away, waving. Tommy decided to look for Technoblade next. 

After a bit of searching, he just went and put Techno's tracker on his pillow, along with a note explaining what it was. The last one went to Fundy. He found the fox lounging on the couch and he looked excited when Tommy handed him his tracker. "Thanks!" Fundy exclaimed. Tommy smiled, then went to find Tubbo. It wasn't hard to guess where he might be, as he spent a lot of time with Ranboo. "Hey, Ran!" Tommy said, knocking on the door. "Is Tubbo in there?" there was a thud, then a yelp. The door opened, and Ranboo stood in the doorway, pain on his face and keeping most of his weight on one leg. "No, Tubbo went to find you." Tommy flicked his wings. "Ok. what was the thud?" 

Ranboo laughed. "I think I knocked the lamp off the table. It fell on my paw and the bulb shattered. Then I'm pretty sure I stepped on it." now that Tommy looked, he could see some of the fur on Ranboo's black paw was glistening. "I think it's bleeding. Got find Phil, he should be able to fix it," he told the blind Enderman. Ranboo nodded and hobbled off. He sighed and went off to find Tubbo. He found him digging in the pantry looking for a snack. "Hey, Tubbo," he said, and the Ram jumped. 

Tubbo turned to Tommy. "Jeezus fucking crist, bossman! you scared me!" Tommy laughed. "I can tell. You were looking for me?" Tubbo nodded. "Yeah, but it can wait till tomorrow. I was just grabbing a snake before I went to bed. Want some?" he waved towards the food. "No, I'm fine. Goodnight." Tubbo waved, then started rummaging around the pantry again. Tommy got in bed and closed his eyes.


sorry for being gone for so long, I had a busy thanksgiving break. and sorry for this chapter is so short, but I promise I'll make up for it. some dramatic stuff will happen soon. 

782 words.

also, what?

also, what?

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