[II] Standby for Titanfall!/To Sanctuary!

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[Southern Shelf, Pandora]
{(Y/N) (L/N) POV}

Well, this is just great... After reuniting with Gaige, and dealing with some shit for Hammerlock, and having dealt with Captain Flynt's first mate, Boom Bewm, we were ready to go deal with Captain Flynt, only for Gaige to send Claptrap flying away with Boom Bewm's cannon, Big Bertha, and now we have to go save his metal ass from whatever Captain Flynt was doing to him. Anyways, me, Gaige, and Maya were walking across the frozen terrain until we got a look of Captain Flynt's ship, and wow... It'd be more menacing if the damn thing wasn't so encased in ice. We heard some gun fire next to us, which were some bandits shooting at some rakks, and pissing them off. Great idea to do that, stupid bandits. We neared closer to the ship, we heard Claptrap over the ECHO.

[Claptrap]: [So, uh-- I might have tried staging a mutiny on Captain Flynt's ship before the flash-freeze. Which explains why his men are currently beating the crap out of me. Right, guys?]

[Random Bandit]: [SHUT UP!]

[Claptrap]: [Okay!]

I shook my head knowing our guide was a crazy, psycho robot who managed to piss off the entire bandit crew, wait... the entire planet more than likely.

(Y/N): [sighs] This is going to be a long day... [looks at Gaige] Y'know, ya could have waited for Claptrap to move out of the way before firing.

Gaige: His fault for not moving.

Maya: If he spent less talking and more moving, Claptrap wouldn't have been sent flying.

(Y/N): Okay, okay I get you both. Let's just get Claptrap and move on.

Moving closer towards the bandit camp, Captain Flynt decided to talk to us.

[Captain Flynt]: [So, Claptrap's got new friends, huh? I gotta say, I miss the little hunk of junk. The noises he made when we set him on fire... [sighs] brings a tear to my eye.]

(Y/N): Okay, I know Claptrap is annoying, but the bot really doesn't deserve all that.

Maya: Didn't you kick him off a cliff for a mom joke?

(Y/N): Hey, you know my mom's dead, and they're not the best jokes.

Gaige: Lost your mom?

(Y/N): Both parents, Gaige. [looks at gate] Here we are, now how-- [dodges bullet] Damn bandits... [pulls grenade] Time to see this grenade mod at work. YEET!

Throwing the grenade over the gate, the grenade detonates, but I wasn't expecting ten explosions going off, killing the bandits on the other side of the gate and open the gate as well.

(Y/N): HOLY SHIT! I like this grenade mod!

Gaige: It did look cool.

(Y/N): Who made this mod? [looks at Grenade Mod Make] Torgue?

Maya: Ah, shit. That makes sense. Leave it to Torgue to make a MIRV grenade mod.

(Y/N): Hey, it helped. Now let's get moving.

Moving past the broken gate, we looted around the gate for ammo and more grenades. Moving forward, we started to see more bandit housing and I decided to throw another grenade, and it worked like a charm and killed three bandits already.

Gaige: You're going to become grenade happy, aren't you?

(Y/N): ...Maybe.

Maya: Can we please continue killing these bandits?

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