[XIV] Saving an Angel

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[Near Control Core Angel, Thousand Cuts, Pandora]
{(Y/N) (L/N) POV}

After defeating the BNK-3R and passing the Jack Door, we were taking a lift down into Control Core Angel to get the Vault Key, but also, my own mission, to save Angel. As we were descending, Angel spoke regarding the whole Vault Key and the catalyst she told me days ago.

Angel: Eridium alone could never charge the Vault Key. It needs a catalyst -- something to awaken its power. It needs... a Siren. Jack acquired his Siren catalyst a long time ago. He kept her hidden from the world for years, but finally -- you will be able to set her free.

While the elevator kept descending, I couldn't help but think of the many possible outcomes how this could end, with us leaving with the Vault Key and Angel... or just the Vault Key, breaking the promise I made to Angel. I was spinning my thoughts around until I felt Maya shaking me back to reality.

Maya: (Y/N), you alright? You seemed lost in thought.

(Y/N): Just thinking of the possibilities this could turn out.

Maya: I understand. So many things could go wrong or in our favor, but I know we got this.

Gaige: Yeah! With you leading us, Fearless Leader, we can do it!

(Y/N): That's... a lot of faith you're putting in me.

Axton: They ain't wrong, kid. You've got better leadership skills than I ever did.

(Y/N): Thanks, Axton. All of you, kind of like a family in a way.

Zer0: A family, yes. / Dysfunctional, but / a true family.

I wouldn't trade these guys for anyone else and I was happy to have met them.

Angel: I detect you're getting close. Hurry and reach me -- you must get the Vault Key and... deal with me.

Once the elevator stops at the ground level, we all continued forward until we reached the door leading into Control Core Angel itself.

~Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Vault Hunters watch Chibi (Y/N) saving Chibi Angel~
[Control Core Angel, Thousand Cuts, Pandora]

Now within the Control Core Center of Angel's "AI Core," we continued through the corridors of the Control Core, but as we walked through, there was Eridium flowing through the pipes within the walls of the corridors until we reached a room, but nowhere else to go.

Maya: Is this it? Kind of expected more.

(Y/N): Yeah...

Even though the room was empty and small, I spotted a button in the middle of the room and pressed the button. That was until a light from the ceiling covered the room and the button soon disappears.

Gaige: Um... What's going on?

Angel: Executing phase shift.

In a sudden moment, the entire room turns into something from a computer program until the sight of the Vault Key appeared right in front of us.

Angel: The Key is here, but... to truly stop Jack from waking the Warrior, you cannot just steal the Vault Key -- you must destroy his catalyst.

Maya: What's the catalyst? Which Siren did Jack lock away?

Angel: That's what I'm about to tell you... you must destroy...

In a flash of white light, we covered ourselves from the light until it dimmed down revealing the Siren Jack locked away for years...

In a flash of white light, we covered ourselves from the light until it dimmed down revealing the Siren Jack locked away for years

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