[XV] The Overlooked/A New Pet

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[Dr. Zed's Clinic, Sanctuary, Pandora]
{(Y/N) (L/N) POV}

Darkness... my old friend, is what someone would normally say since I blacked out remembering Roland was killed by Jack, who also had Lilith taken prisoner. Although we managed to save Angel from dying, but at the cost of Jack getting his hands on Lilith, since she was, no doubt, the most powerful Siren on Pandora, hell, maybe the entire universe, by that's just my thought. I soon open my eyes as everything was blurry for a moment before trying to get a better view of everything around me, but I noticed the familiar white ceiling that I normally saw in Zed's clinic. Letting out a groan, I leaned upwards only to feel a hand on my shoulder.

Dr. Zed: Take it easy, son. You've been unconscious for three days.

(Y/N): Three? I've been out for three days?!

Dr. Zed: Yeah...

(Y/N): Everyone else?

Dr. Zed: They're fine, but...

(Y/N): But?

Dr. Zed: The resistance isn't doing so hot. Word's spread about Roland's death and Lilith getting captured by Jack. Everyone's losing hope, and many are thinking Jack's won.

(Y/N): [leans up] Not on my watch.

Slowly moving around, I got off the gurney and stood tall and grabbed my helmet that was nearby.

(Y/N): As long as I still draw breath, we're not finished.

Dr. Zed: [nods] Keep that up, and we might just make it.

I nod towards Zed, but I drew my attention towards the pod that was occupied by Angel inside while many of the tubes around were siphoning the Eridium from Angel.

(Y/N): How is Angel?

Dr. Zed: [holds clipboard] I'd say she's doing just fine. We were lucky we made this in time, otherwise we'd had to wait until Lilith came back... and Angel may have died by then.

(Y/N): Good on the part that Angel gets to live, but Bad that Lilith ain't here.

Dr. Zed: Son, don't blame yourself. We were all surprised that Jack actually had the balls to make an appearance.

(Y/N): Yeah, caught us all off guard. How many batteries have been charged with siphoned Eridium?

Dr. Zed: So far, by our counts, at least 12 Eridium Batteries. Thanks to Tannis makin' 'em, and Moxxi's unknown contact, we should have enough materials to make at least 3 dozen more batteries to be charged. If you want the more specifics about those Eridium Batteries, talk to Tannis. She's been REALLY interested in their power as of late.

(Y/N): Maybe I'll ask her, but... [looks at ESP] Is Angel available to talk or...?

Dr. Zed: Not at this time. She's kind of... napping while we siphon the Eridium off her.

(Y/N): Right, I'll meet with the others and see what's next on the agenda, and Zed... let me know when she's awake. We have much to talk about.

Dr. Zed: I'll make sure your little girlfriend is fine.

(Y/N): [slight blush] Excuse me?! I haven't taken her on a date yet!

Dr. Zed: The same's said for Gaige and Lilith.

(Y/N): ........Touché. See you around, Zed.

From the corner of my eye, I watched as Zed waved me off, but I knew Angel was in good hands for now. Moving around Sanctuary, I could hear the latest gossip about Roland's death and Lilith's capture, which didn't help with morale. From the side, I decided to take one of the ECHOs the poster boy nearby was always yacking about regarding "This Just in," by some jackoff named Hunter Hellquist, or whatever.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2023 ⏰

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