Chapter 2: Back to the Past and New Powers

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Arthur Leywin's POV:

Pain. Pain was the only thing that I felt. I don't think I could count how many times now that I have been in this black void. I was grateful that I could still feel my body even if every part of it was in agony. After what seemed like an eternity of darkness I finally opened my eyes.

Looking at the ceiling, I realized I was exactly where I wanted the spell to take me. "TESS, SYLVIE, REGIS!?" I jumped up from my prone position on the ground. My body ached from the sudden movement but I didn't care. I looked around and saw an unconscious Tess and a much smaller human-like infant on the ground. They were both breathing indicating to me that they were alive. I checked my pockets to find that there was a rainbow colored stone covered in a beautiful white feather.

I sighed in relief that my plan worked. "Wait, where's Regis?" I asked myself. 'Did something go wrong with the spell.' I thought to myself. 'Oh look who finally wakes up and right when I try to get some goddamn sleep!' I heard Regis's usual sarcastic voice in my head. I sighed once again not sure if I was now happy that he made it with us or not. 'That's not a very nice way to treat one of your companions you know.' Regis spat at my thoughts.

"Well I suppose I do still need you...for now mutt." I shot back at him as he finally emerged from my body. "Yeah yeah princess, so what now?" Regis asked me, now in his will-o-wisp form. "First we need to wait for Tess and Sylvie to wake up." I said contemplating our first move. We made it back but there is a lot of work to be done and only so many years to accomplish our goals.

"So why is the little dragon princess here an infant now instead of her normal nine year old looking self?" Regis asked me. "I don't have a good answer for you Regis. If I was to guess, the spell probably did this itself since I didn't specify for her to stay the same age. I only wanted to make sure she and the egg both existed at the same time." I responded with a hint of uncertainty to my companion.

"Did you check up on them to make sure they're alright?" I asked the will-o-wisp floating above an adorable sleeping Sylvie. "Yeah, they both seem to be drained from the jump through time. They probably haven't woken up since they don't have access to the amount aether we do." He speculated and dove back into my body. "I don't know all your plans, but I do know you need some aether for the next step in your plan. But at least let me try and return to my puppy form before we do anything else crazy, alright?" He asked, his voiced containing traces of hope. "That's fine Regis, since I learned aether rotation I should be able to make up the difference." I said as he gave the biggest sigh I've heard from him in a long while.

I sat down in a meditative position to finally take a look at the inside of my new, or I guess it would be my old body. While looking at my core, a large smirk appeared on my lips. I still had my five layered aether core and my three completed Godrunes I received from the Fate Tomb, but now a bright orange core was in the center of those five layers.

When I made the spell to send us to the past one of the things I had to specify was that my aether core not only stayed with me, but that my aether core wouldn't replace my mana core that my old body had. I also made sure that I split my aether and mana channels so that I could effectively use either anytime I needed. I didn't need to do this to my mana veins because I never changed them with my aether core.

It was like my five layered aether core made room to accommodate my mana core and the same could be said for my new mana channels. Not only that but my aether core was automatically refining my mana core. I quickly made a relic using my Creation Godrune that was now apart of my Vivium Godrune to make a relic that seals my aether core. I would need it to stop refining my core to reassimilate this body to Sylvia's beast will. Before sealing it, there was one more thing I needed to use my aether core for.

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