Chapter 11: Lies and Confrontations

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Arthur Leywin's POV:

The closer Tess and I got to the other VIP room the more my stomach twisted and churned. I couldn't shake this uneasy feeling that I had since we met with the royal family. Blaine definitely knew or had done something, I just couldn't think of what it could be. We made it to the lavishly decorated wooden door that was covered in jewels and runes that signified the status of the room.

As we stood outside the door I felt three powerful presences radiating from inside the room, two of which were stronger than the other. 'Do you feel them as well? The elven Lances are inside.' Tess questioned, sharing my uncertainty about what was going to happen. 'Yeah I noticed. They don't appear to be guarding your family, it's more like they're waiting for something...probably us.'

"We've delayed long enough, whatever is going on here, we'll deal with it one way or another." Tess gave me a light nod as I placed one hand on the door and grabbed one of Tess's hands with the other. As I pushed the door open we noticed that the King and Queen didn't even turn our direction completely ignoring our entry. The Lances looked at us with interest while Gramps was at the bar with a drink in hand and never met our eyes. 'There's definitely something going on, that's for sure.' Regis remarked after seeing everyone's reaction to our entrance.

Alea approached the King and Queen and kneeled before addressing them. "The princess and the boy have arrived, your majesties." Alea got up and moved back to her previous position mirroring Aya on the other side of the room from her. Alduin and Merial finally took their attention away from the auction currently taking place and looked at us. Instead of the loving and caring look Tess should've received from her parents, they both looked at us with a cold gaze of indifference.

I recognized that look they gave us, after all, I had to use it many times throughout my life as a King. The difference was that I chose to be alone and I didn't have a family, so I used that look to keep everyone at a distance. I felt movement from Tess, I turned to find her legs trembling looking like they would give out from under her at any moment. She reminded me of myself from when I told my parents my secret, she had the same look of dread. I couldn't help but let out a small amount of my bloodlust in my rage as their treatment of her. We're going to get some answers.

Tessia Eralith's POV:

Multiple emotions bombarded me through my bond with Art, I could feel his anger, worry, sadness, understanding, but mostly his confusion. When Art and I left Elenoir we had been on good terms with my parents. We may have had a rough start after Art told them everything but we were good, at least I thought we were. I made sure of it before we left specifically so this wouldn't happen, it's my worst fear that they wouldn't accept Art and would hate him for something he had no say in and was forced upon him by Agrona.

"Mom, Dad, what is going on and why are you two acting so distant?" I asked, desperately trying to keep my voice from shaking. "Tessia, get away from that monster and come here this instant." I swear I could hear Art's heart break with that one sentence from my mother. He had always seen my family as his second one and now they too disowned him. "I cannot do as you ask, my place is by Arthur's side and it always will be." I returned their cold glares with my own spiteful one. Whatever led to this will end today, and when I find out who is behind it, I will make their life miserable.

"Alea, grab Tess and keep her from harm. Aya, deal with the boy. Father, if you don't want Aya to be hurt, you better help subdue him. If they're as powerful as they claim it'll be too difficult for her to do alone." My father shot out orders to the Lances and my grandfather. Grandpa looked unhappy about everything that has happened but still decided to help my father, the question is why? "Father this won't end how you think it will, I promise you that." I looked over at Alea and shook my head, I didn't want to hurt her but I needed to put a stop to this.

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