Chaper 6: Beast Wills and Traitors

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Arthur Leywin's POV:

Today was the day I would finish my assimilation with Sylvia's beast will. It has been two years since me and Tess arrived at the Kingdom of Elenoir. Tess had finished her assimilation earlier than me. I figured this was a combination of her beast will being less powerful than my own as well as her inherited Legacy powers.

"I'll spare you the details brat since you already know how this all works." Gramps said as he walked up to me. I nodded and sat in a meditative position inside the training area. I let my mana flow freely and Gramps injected his own mana into my body.

Since I knew the explosion was going to be just as large if not larger than the last timeline, I had Tess set up some defenses. She used panels of pure mana just like Sylvie used during our time fighting together in the war to protect herself, Gramps, and the castle.

My theory was proven correct and the explosion that followed seemed to shake the entirety of the Elshire Forest. This time the explosion didn't knock me unconscious and I was thrust directly into my second phase. My wheat blond hair turned white and my piercing golden eyes turned a shade of lavender purple.

Gramps looked at me with an expression I knew all too well, fear. It hurt to have him look at me like that but I understood why he would. Tess on the other hand had a warm smile on her face, she probably remembers the many times she saw me use my second phase during the war, before we lost anyway.

I was surprised the recoil hadn't hit yet, but when I looked at my core I still had fifty percent of my reserves. The draining effect seems to be lower than before, probably because of my draconic body. It was still fast, I would only be able to hold my second phase for roughly twenty minutes, without spending magic anyway.

This development was a welcome one. I was effectively able to double the amount of time I could use Realmheart for. Once I was beyond the light orange stage I was currently at I could probably triple or quadruple the time I could use this power.

I let go of Realmheart and returned to my normal state. I looked over at Gramps and Tess with a large smirk plastered on my face. "Looks like we won't have to spend too much time training our beast wills since we already have the insight we need to use it." I said to them while I debated our next step.

Gramps asked me a string of questions about my beast will and what my first and second stage do. I happily answered all of his questions before making my way back to my room. It was midday but Gramps told me to "take it easy" since I had just assimilated. I however had other plans.

I removed the seal I put around my aether core and felt the familiar and intoxicating power flow through me. I had undone Tess's seal after she assimilated so she could get used to the feeling of aether, her core, and her channels. Regis gladly used that opportunity to regain his human form but for some reason he's been staying in Tess's core instead of walking around freely.

These past two years have felt like I've been constantly walking underwater but now I feel free again. I God stepped over to Tess's room to find her in a meditative position on the bed with a now five year old Sylvie laying next to her. She seems to be aging faster than we do for some reason.

It's weird looking the same age but technically being her father. I wonder if her growth will slow down. After all she only looked about twelve to fourteen by the time she sacrificed herself to save me as well when she came back from the egg.

"Hey gorgeous." I said nonchalantly as I sat down on the sofa that was near her bed. Tess got visibly red at my statement but regained her composure. "Hey Art, what brings you here?" She asked me, a little worry creeping in her voice, unsure if I was going to put her through more training.

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