Chapter 7: Threats and Old Comrades

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Arthur Leywin's POV:

"So they've already contacted you. I'm guessing that you've already made a deal with them?" I asked the Dwarven King to which he nodded frantically, my hand still around his neck.

"I'm going to remove my hand from your throat, if you even think about calling for help, your head will roll. Do I make myself clear?" I threatened him as I dropped him on the ground. 

The Dwarven King struggled to get up as he was coughing and gasping for air. He looked up at me while shivering in fear as I calmly sat down in the chair he was sitting on earlier. He wore an offended look on his face when I sat in his chair. He glared at me, with a raging flame in his eyes, ready to engulf him. 

I knew these two were a nuisance as I remembered my time on trial. These two were always the loudest and most proud out of all the royal families which is saying something in a world where Blaine exists. 

Once the King had ample time to catch his breath and the Queen settled down from our entrance it was time to start 'negotiations'. "When did the Vritra get in contact with you?" I finally asked them while letting them sit in absolute silence.

"And before you try to lie about anything you should know that I have the ability to tell if you're telling the truth or not." Tess added, tapping her sword staff on the ground and filling the room with her own intent to show the Dwarves I wasn't the only one with absurd strength.

They both frantically nodded as they sat silently in contemplation for a while before the King finally blurted out, "They contacted me and my wife about a year ago now. We've been promised everything we could ever want to help them. If you let us go we can negotiate on your behalf! What do you want?" The King pleaded in an attempt to win us over.

"What they promised you was a lie." I retorted at their feeble attempts to win us over. "They want to use your underground city as a means to bring their army here undetected. They will then subjugate every individual regardless of race or status that lives on this continent." I told them as I wondered if they were even really listening.

"That's a lie! We were told we would be given wealth, power, and fertility by our contact!" The Queen yelled at me. 'I wonder, do you think she genuinely just wants the last thing?' Tess asked me through our bond. 

"Have they come through with any of their promises? Have they done anything for you yet?" I asked them and knowing the Vitra, they haven't. "No." The Dwarven King replied bitterly.

'We could use this to our advantage Tess. We could give them what they want to make them loyal to us. What do you think?' I proposed to Tess wondering what she would think about my new plan.

'I don't necessarily like the idea of helping traitors but for now I think it's the most logical option.' She declared to which I completely agreed.

'Then we give them what they want now then use them as tools for our goal. Then once the war is over, if everything else goes as planned we'll back someone else to take their place as the Dwarven leaders.' I finished my thoughts and paused to see if Tess had anything to add which she didn't, just mentally nodded at my plan. 

"I can give you everything those Vritra dogs promised you right now but I'll need something in return." I said to the Dwarven King who now looked like an obedient dog waiting for a command. "Yes, anything!" He ogled at me with puppy dog eyes. 

"I'll be taking the artifacts that control your Lances for now. I also want to know who the current Lances are." After I told him my two conditions he started sweating profusely. "Okay, I understand." I could see his body, pride, and ego all break as his back became hunched and his chest deflated.

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