Chapter 28: Power Couple

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Arthur Leywin's POV:

Blasts of scolding heat burst out like shockwaves with each clash of our blades. I purposely started our fight sparingly, putting myself on the defensive to test how much his swordsmanship had improved from before. He could hold his own with the best of them, as far as this continent was concerned. I would put him somewhere near Kaspian regarding his skill in pure swordsmanship.

A quick stab was nearing my abdomen; I quickly sidestepped and let it pass harmlessly between my side and arm. I reversed my grip on my blade and delivered a decisive blow to his stomach with the hilt of my sword. Reorienting my grip on Redemption, I counter-attacked, swiping my sword at his head, causing him to bend backward and almost lose his footing. He retaliated with a fast overhead swing that shot out an arc of fire directly at me. I coated my sword in ice magic and ran straight at him, slicing straight through his fire.

"Calm your breathing; you'll run out of stamina at the rate you're going. Focus not just on my sword but my body as well. Every movement has a purpose in a fight. Learning to read your opponent's body language will give you a strong edge in battle." I had a large smile on my face as we continued to parry and deflect each other's attacks.

"I know you're trying to help, but I can't help but feel a little insulted that you're trying to teach me while easily kicking my ass!" He complained, but I could tell he enjoyed every second of our duel just like me.

"Then give me a reason to shut up then!" I goaded, backing up a few steps, wiping a bead of sweat from my forehead.

I gave him some openings to test his battle prowess as we continued. I was glad to see he attempted to take every opportunity I gave him. When I exposed my left side, he would try to feint an attack to my right before quickly shifting directions and striking at my left. He had some wasted movements here and there and some rather large openings after his bigger attacks, but overall, with some refining, he had the potential to be a good leader. This is especially true when we'll need competent Captains to lead squads when the war starts.

'Time to push you a little further. Let's see what kind of cards you still have hidden up those sleeves of yours, Professor Geist.'

I started slowly speeding up the timing of my attacks, putting more and more force behind each slash, strike, and stab. Over time, he started slowing down, his blocks were getting messier, and he could barely hold onto his sword. We both knew his best option would be to gain distance, or this spar would be over before it really began. He cast a large flame pillar, separating the two of us, and retreated to the other side of the arena.

I doused the fire pillar with water magic before beelining for him when I noticed he had already started chanting. Flame pillars rose from the ground in my path or under me to slow me down, but I ran through them, coating myself in fire that burned hotter than his. As I ran through another pillar, I was met with his completed spell, I spell that I hate with a burning passion, ember wisps. The large number of fire projectiles that he conjured started launching at me one after the other rapidly as if they were tearing through the space between them and me.

I came to a complete stop and watched them approach. Some students looked on in fear, but the Professor knew better and watched my following action with bated breath. I raised a single arm and froze the surrounding air particles around me. Though my action couldn't be seen well from far away with the naked eye, each wisp that came within five feet of me instantly sizzled into a small steam cloud when it collided with the frozen air.

"One final push, Professor?" I asked, raising my sword against him once more.

"One more push. I'm not going to hold back, either. I'm putting every last bit into this spar!" He replied with a large grin.

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