Chapter 19: Ultimate Dungeons

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Arthur Leywin's POV:

After parting ways with the Twin Horns at the Inn they liked since it was located near the guild building, Tess and I swiftly made our way to Kaspian's office to fill him in on what happened at the Torrential Winds dungeon.

"Adventurers Note and Vine! It's good to see you again, did you need to speak with Kaspian?" The receptionist asked us as we approached the hall that led to his office just behind the counter she resided at.

"Yes, will that be a problem right now?" I was confused since she had never stopped us since we had officially received our ranks from the guild.

"It...just might be difficult right now. He's in a meeting with a rather important individual who greatly influences Dicathen. They're talking about confidential plans that come directly from the council," She fidgeted, knowing she couldn't stop us if we went inside anyway.

"I ask that you don't worry, there's nothing on this continent that is confidential to us, I assure you," Tess said, not batting an eye.

"Still I don't have the authority-" I cut her off with a raise of my hand.

"And I'm telling you that I do have the authority. If there is an important conversation going on in there, I'd like to know what it's about, you won't be punished, I give you my word," I reassured her as we bypassed her.

As we closed in on Kaspian's office, I could feel two distinct mana signatures inside the room. I could feel a faint amount of magic being used from inside the room as well.

"They're a fire mage, mid-silver core. Kaspian has also erected a wind barrier, the conversation must not be a pleasant one if he feels the need to soundproof it," Tess informed me as I knocked on the door and entered without waiting for a reply.

"Who the hell-" Kaspian started but quickly changed his tune when he saw it was us, "My apologies Note, I didn't expect it to be you and I'm a little on edge at the moment."

"Don't worry about it, I came to inform you about my findings from the dungeon but I was curious about the conversation in here when the receptionist informed me it was confidential," I replied coolly.

After I finished my statement, I finally acknowledged the other person in the room. Trodius Flamesworth, the man whose poor leadership led to many deaths at the wall...including my father.

Forcing myself to swallow back all the rage and hatred I felt for the man in front of me, I decided to focus on what mattered for now. If this has to do with my plans, I won't let this snake be involved in any way and risk another incident that takes the lives of innocent people.

"What are these confidential plans, you may speak freely, you know who's backing us after all, or should I say who we're backing" I spoke to Kaspian without giving Trodius any amount of attention.

Trodius was about to put on a grand spectacle, most likely about how I offended him and his 'noble' honor, but I couldn't care less at this moment. Kaspian appeared to agree and quickly filled me in on their confidential conversation, much to Trodius's dismay causing him to look like a pouting child.

'Do all nobles take a class on how to act like an ass at all times,' Regis remarked almost causing us to burst out laughing at the man.

"This is Trodius Flamesworth, Jasmine's father as I'm sure you already deduced. He has come to demand a top position inside the Adventurers Guild so that he may transition to a main leadership role when the wall has finished being constructed," He explained.

"This man, a commoner adventurer I presume by the fact he wears a mask even around you Kaspian? He knows my traitorous daughter Jasmine as well, does he?" Trodius questioned but we both ignored his presence.

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