Introduction (not a chapter sorry)

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Hello future readers if you're crazy enough to read my first attempt at a fan fiction! This is not only my first fan fiction but also my first time writing a story in general so there will be many mistakes and I will be learning along the way. I can't promise constant chapters because of this but I will do my best to have weekly chapters when I get into a groove.

I am American and I know there are a lot of different people from many countries who read these ffs. I hope it's not too hard for anyone who's first language isn't English! I will gladly take feedback if this applies to you and you have suggestions to make it easier for everyone to understand!

The first chapter will be released one or two hours from now hopefully. If not it will be released sometime tomorrow and if it takes longer than that its because I have to do this on my phone for now and it's difficult to write on a phone in my opinion. The first two or three should come out quickly since I've been wanted to write this for a while! I have plans up until the war starts and I want to write this story to its completion so even though it may take a long time, stick around if you wanna see how it all turns out!

The first chapter (more like first few lol) will most likely have a lot of exposition to explain Art, Regis, Sylvie, and Tess's powers respectively. Especially Art and Tess since I'm doing some crazy things with their powers in this ff!


A little about me if you're curious 😁. I got into tbate by the comic before the academy arc. From here I eventually started reading the LN which I ended up liking better (may or may not have been because of Regis..."who knows") and I got into ffs with An Unexpected Betrayal (fantastic ff btws check it out). I love this story and it's community even if the ship bases can be mad toxic (especially artxtess vs artxcarea) but I live for it. Mad respect and love for Turtleme and what his story had done for me. My friends call me Gamer so that's what I'll use as my author name too I guess 🤷‍♂️ and for unrelated reasons my favorite number is 22 (cause it's the best number)! Suffice to say there will be something special at Ch. 22, don't ask what it is cause I don't have a clue yet!

P.S. #2

I have plans for another ff already 😅 but I definitely won't start it until this is done or I am at least ahead with updates and such. A teaser for this one is that it's a harem since I have only seen one of those and it only had like four girls sooooo I'm gonna step in eventually myself to give Art the good life like a true op isekai 😈

TBATE: Art and Tess's Second ChanceWhere stories live. Discover now