Chapter 30: Progress

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Arthur Leywin's POV:

The sun's warm glow was peeking over the edge of the floating city of Xyrus, marking the end of the first day of classes. The Lances all understood that they were unconsciously flying without focusing on it, and after some trial and error, they could do it on command. I let them leave since they wouldn't learn Mana Rotation within the hours before my school day started. I would see them again later in my class, so I figured half a day's rest would do them some good.

The cool breeze grazed my face as I exited the lecture hall. I took in the autumn air as I considered how many more weeks of peace there would be. We had slowed down Agrona's planned assault for a time, but he won't give up that easily, and he's crafty; there's the possibility that he changed his plans for the academy. It would only benefit us if he decided to target us during the siege, but things would get complicated if a Scythe were to be there.

'The Lances made some progress, so I let them leave until the time for my class rolls around later. Are you guys back at the dorm?' I asked Tess through our link.

'I'm sure they're all debating whether they should return.' Tess giggled, her amusement seeping through our bond, 'Yeah, we're at the dorm. Sylvie is already in bed, but Regis went back to his training. He took Splint with him, so he might be close to making a breakthrough on forming his core.'

'I don't know if I should be proud that he's training seriously or scared that he's developed my need to throw myself into training anytime he's free,' I chuckled as my head rocked back and forth.

'The latter,' Tess deadpanned, but it lacked conviction. We were both proud of the mutt; we just wouldn't admit it out of fear it would go to his already humongous head.

'I do feel bad. Regis never got the chance to enjoy any kind of childhood, and he probably never will. I wish I could give him that, or at least the small amount I was able to provide to Sylv. Not that I was the best in that regard either,' My head rested in my hands in an attempt to rub the regrets from my thoughts.

'You were a great dad to Sylvie, Art. She said so herself. Besides, you can't get any worse than her biological father,' Tess consoled, to which I could only give the equivalent of a mental nod.

'No, you're right, I shouldn't second-guess myself. Regardless of the life I wish I could give our kids, this is the hand we were dealt, and we'll make the best of it together,' A bittersweet smile fell on my face as the air I didn't know I was holding in had finally left my lungs.

'Doesn't every good parent wish the same thing? Don't stress about it. We can enjoy the moments we have, and then after the war, we can give them the life we always wanted to give them,' Tess chided.

'You always know just what to say, gorgeous. I guess I'll go back on patrol. See you at the joint committee meeting in a few hours. I love you,' I replied.

'Sounds good, and I love you too, Art,' She responded.

My steps were lighter, and the baggage I felt as if I held onto was reduced with a single conversation with Tess. I always had this habit of carrying the world's weight on my shoulders, and it took me a long time to share that burden with Tess. I know we're stronger together now, but I used to worry for her safety. Despite her physique, aether core, and healing capabilities almost as good as mine, I still worry.

I looked up at the clock tower near the middle of the academy's campus. I connected the aetheric pathways that would take me to the top and took a step. The world shifted as I was pulled through space until I found myself at my destination. I looked down at the school grounds and couldn't help but feel like a vigilante from one of the comics of my old world.

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