Chapter 9: Reunited With Family and Old Friends

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Arthur Leywin's POV:

Today was finally the day. Me and Tess were walking through Xyrus city with Sylvie in between us holding firmly onto one of each of our hands. Moving at a snail's pace to our destination, my heart was beating against my chest and my breathing was shallow. 

"It'll be okay, Art. What you're feeling is natural, I have experienced it first hand and who helped me through it?" Nudging in my direction for a reply. Sylv beat me to it, "Papa helped mama!" This had her jumping up and down which caused my and Tess's arms to sway back and forth. 

"I know you're right but to be honest I'm more worried about what happens after the auction house." I shook involuntarily remembering what happened the last time I shared my secret with them. "I can't say that I know what that feels like. All I can tell you is that I'll be there with you this time." She consoled me.

An hour after we arrived in Xyrus City, we were finally in front of the Helstea's mansion. I took as much air as my lungs would allow then released it all in one long breath. I steeled my resolve and knocked on the door three times in rhythmic intervals.

A maid of the Helsteas' greeted us at the door with a familiar little girl with unmistakable grayish brown hair and brown eyes. Restraining myself from picking my little sister up into my arms I focused on the person coming from behind her, my mother. 

With my vision blurry and my breath short, all I could muster in the moment was, "H-hi m-m-mom." It took my mother a moment to realize that I was her son as my features were different from the last time she had seen me and since I didn't contact them in this timeline. "A-Arthur, is that really y-you?" She collapsed to her knees while a pool of tears formed in front of her. I took uneven steps over to her as I fell next to her and brought her into a hug. 

This time I didn't even hear my father show up while me and my mother were sobbing and he tackled us to the ground in a group hug. "Art my boy, you're really alive! You're home now my son!" Burying his face in between me and my mother's faces as he held the backs of our heads. 

Ellie was leaning against my mother telling her not to cry in an adorable voice that squeaked while some words were hard for her to say correctly. I placed my hand on her head ruffling her hair a little bit as my tears streamed out like a never ending waterfall. 

It took us a while to fully calm ourselves down but when we did I started introductions as we made our way to the living area. "Mom, Dad, Ellie, I'd like you to meet my girlfriend Tessia Eralith, as well as our daughter and bond Sylvie Leywin." I instantly braced myself for a slap or a scolding that never came.

I looked over at my parents to see that I had officially broken them with a single sentence. 'Just wait till they hear about me, the fact that Tess is a princess, and the mana core stage you two are at!' Regis fueled my doubts about fixing the current mental state of my parents before doing more bombs on them. 

Ellie during all of this would have been confused but she was ignoring us in favor of holding and ogling at Sylvie and her adorableness. 'Papa help! She squeezes so hard, I'm going to break in two!' Me and Tess mentally saluted Sylvie for her sacrifice.

Bringing my attention back to my parents. It seemed they were finally digesting the fact that I had not only physically changed but also had a girlfriend and a daughter. "If you two are ready I can explain what happened after I fell off the cliff, I can give you more time if you need." Both my hands were taken into my mother's as she asked me to explain what happened. 

I started from the cliff and told the truth from the first timeline, from staying with Sylvia, to rescuing Tess and staying with the elven royal family, all the way to the assimilation of my beast will. For now I told them that my change in appearance is due to my beast will. They both visibly relaxed once they heard my story.

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