Chapter 29: The Return of Professor Princess

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Arthur Leywin's POV:

"Well, you two, that was one hell of a showing!" Professor Glory congratulated us, "Though next time, let's try not to put the entire class out of commission," She teased as she helped the students who were trapped, unconscious, or mana-deprived.

'I guess we did go a little hard on them,' Tess thought apologetically.

'What is this "we" stuff? I accidentally knocked one guy out and hit a few others a bit harder than I meant to. However, they were still conscious,' I defended with one hand over my chest, 'You, on the other hand, drained a bunch of people's cores, putting them near backlash, and trapped a bunch of people in vines, ice, or metal,' I deflected.

'I went easy on them! I can't help that they were simply that weak! Some of them were even second—or third-year students, so they shouldn't have been defeated that easily,' She pouted and stuck her tongue out at me.

'Sure, whatever you say, princess,' I jabbed, earning me a well-deserved punch to the gut that caused me to lurch forward and go into a coughing fit, almost losing my breakfast.

'I'm sorry,' I replied meekly, rasping, trying to catch my breath.

'Sure you are,' She distanced herself and wouldn't look at me.

'I'm sorry I took it too far; we both bullied them a little too hard. Next time, we need to hold back even more so no one gets injured,' I apologized earnestly, pulling her back to me.

'Hmm, alright, I forgive you,' She hummed, and her pouting self vanished instantly, replaced with contentment as she leaned on my shoulder.

Our mental conversation ended as Professor Glory waved everyone over, "Alright, everyone, that was a good battle. We'll discuss what each team did right and wrong during the match tomorrow. Until then, rest up and prepare for actual class material as the week progresses! Vansey roared as the class was dismissed.

"The classroom down the hall is mine. It starts after the next period, so don't be late if you want to be a part of my special class, professor," I inform her as Tess and I leave her classroom with our SC and DC members.

"How kind you are, Professor Leywin. I'll be there, and I expect to learn something amazing from someone as talented as yourself," She waved, trying to hide her excitement, but the tapping of her feet and the shine in her eyes gave her away.

I escorted Tess to her runic language class and kissed her goodbye before starting another patrol. It wasn't like I had anything better to do with my free period before my class started. Luckily, since it was the first day, I didn't have to stop any fights or carry any troublemakers to the administration building. A few students were exchanging heated words and partaking in sanctioned duels, but nobody since Clive was blatantly breaking any main rules.

While patrolling near the first-year dorms, I spotted Kathlyn and Feyrith breaking up a fight between two human students. One was a male, and the other was a female. The pair were hurling every insult I had heard since I reincarnated in this world at each other, and they seemed to know each other well. They appeared to be first-years like us, so I decided to see what all the fuss was about.

"What's going on, Kathyln? Feyrith?" I asked as I approached the four, Kathy was holding the girl back by her arms, and Feyfey did the same for the guy as they flailed back and forth in their grasp.

"Arthur, it's good to see you again, my rival! These two were causing a disturbance outside of the dorms. A couple of second-year students tracked us down and asked us to take care of it when they started getting out of hand."

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