Chapter 22: The Fated Ones

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Arthur Leywin's POV:

Virmel and Cleon were quite hospitable hosts compared to the other inhabitants of the town we were transported to as far as I could tell. As the two led us to their home, we were met with various judgmental stares from the other villagers. They seemed wary of our mana signatures, most likely sensing the draconic and basilisk mana inside our cores and surrounding our very beings, so it's possible they were worried that we were actually Asuras.

"Would you mind telling me why the challenges to get into the humble abode you have here were quite literally impossible for anyone who isn't us? Some of our friends almost died in the first dungeon we found you know," I questioned our hosts, a little hostility laced into my voice.

"That has a fairly simple answer, no one was supposed to conquer that challenge. In fact, it was made to kill any Asura who found out there was a way to find our home. If the relictombs didn't see to that first anyway," She replied coolly with a wave of her slender wrist.

"Then why actually have a set of keys after the trials that would allow anyone entry here in the first place?" Tess questioned this time.

"Aether is a fickle thing as I'm sure you both are well aware. There had to be a way to 'win' the trials, however slim it was, for the art to actually manifest and work properly. Otherwise, it would have failed to do anything at all."

After our first round of questions was answered, they brought us to their mansion, at least that's what I assumed it to be as it was by far the most prominent house in the whole town and by a good margin at that. I presume their home was the base of operations for this village as it contained multiple large conference rooms as well as spacious training rooms for the townsfolk to train and discuss important matters.

Our gait was steady throughout our journey to whatever destination we were being led to until we finally entered one of the many conference rooms, the largest one by all appearances. As the four of us walked through the almost comically large double doors, I noticed that there was already a small group of uncomfortable but also influential-looking people inside the room. Everyone so far had eyed us carefully like they were simply prey ready to run for their very lives, but this group of Dijinn only glared at us with unfiltered animosity. It surprised me as the Dijinn we had seen so far had no malice in their eyes or actions until now.

"That's enough Julan, these two are our esteemed guests and I will not have them treated with such blatant disrespect," Virmel had said to one of the other women in the room, she was clearly the minority, if not the only one who seemed to be ecstatic that we found their little abode here in this separate pocket dimension.

"These two carry Asuran mana, why have they been allowed to just enter our home on your word alone? They will cause our extinction, and this time they'll be able to finish the job!" The woman known as Julan hissed at Virmel.

Not bothering to let Virmel fight my or my wife's battles, I answered her with a blank face and monotone voice, "I'm actually a human and Tess is an elf, I didn't know the Dijinn were so racist that they'd judge a book by its cover, or in this case, mana signature."

My banter led not only Tess but also Virmel and Cleon and a few others in the room to burst out laughing at the poor woman known as Julan whose face went bright red in anger and embarrassment. Virmel pointed us to a couple of seats next to them and definitely not coincidentally also next to Julan.

I pulled out the seat next to Virmel and Cleon for Tess before taking my seat next to Julan. Deciding to deal with any hostile atmosphere first, I addressed the woman again more politely this time, "Apologies for upsetting you, I ask for your forgiveness and understanding for our intrusion into your home. We simply came for a few answers to some of our burning questions, that's all, you have my word."

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