♥︎ | Craig Tucker

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y/n was sitting on the bus, on her phone. she was scrolling through whatever social media she was on. she could sense that someone was watching her, she instinctively looked in their direction, she caught a glimpse of two golden eyes darting away from her.

(Craig's eyes are yellow, aren't they? cuz like in that one episode- okay I'll shut up.)

she realized that those eyes belonged to a black haired boy wearing pretty much all blue, with accents of yellow.

(come on Craig, do the thing)

annnnd then he flipped her off, without even batting an eye at her. she scoffed, looking away from him and out the window, not too long after, she felt him staring again. she fought the urge to groan.


at school, she stood by her locker. packing and unpacking the books she didn't and did need. while doing so, someone walked over and leaned on the lockers that were beside hers. she looked across at him, he was just staring at her. she clicked her tongue in annoyance, she finished and closed her locker. "is there something you need?" she asked, annoyance evident in her voice. he pulled his hand out from his pocket and flipped her off. she glared. "okay, I'm done." she said as she started walking.

he pushed himself off the lockers and followed her. she stopped and spun around. he stood still as she glared at him. "geez, chill out, I have the same class as you." he said in his monotone voice. she blinked twice then turned her back on him. she then sprinted down the hall to her class. he sighed.


at lunch, y/n just sat at an empty table. she was on her phone, texting someone, suddenly she heard the sound of someone sitting down, so she looked up at them, locking eyes with those golden eyes, she groaned. "goddammit." she muttered. he raised a brow. "what?" he said calmly. she put her phone down and sighed. "who even are you?" she asked, glaring at him. he just stared at her. "craig." he said, then flipped her off. she furrowed her brows, she lifted her hand and flipped him off. he smirked, lifting his other hand and flipping her off, she did the same. then she cracked a smile. "pffft, okay, my names y/n." she said, he hummed. "I know." he responded, she blinked twice. "how-" "magic." he cut her off. she just nodded and continued eating her lunch.

fin -- ♡

(okay, ima leave it at that)

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