♥︎ | Kyle Broflovski (again)

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(I suddenly got motivation)



kyle was in the school library, looking for a book. he noticed the book, but there was a (h/c) haired girl standing in the way, she was so busy reading that she didn't even notice him.

he took a deep breath as he made his way over to the female. "um, e-excuse me?" he stuttered, she looked at him with a curious expression. "can you pass me that book- no actually, i-i can get it-" "this one?" she showed him the book that she was reading, he smiled awkwardly as he shook his head, he pointed to the other book. "that one." he said, reaching over to it, she wasn't thinking and she grabbed it before he could, his hand landed on hers. both their hearts skipped a beat. he gulped, pulling his hand away. she picked up the book and handed it to him. "here you go..." she said, he smiled as he lifted his trembling hand, taking the book from her hand. "t-thanks." he stuttered. she smiled at the nervous redhead. "you're welcome." she said, looking back down at her book.

he opened his book, but every now and then, while reading, he kept looking at her from the corner of his eye. 'she's really pretty.' is all he could think.


when he was in class, he noticed that girl again, he decided to write her a little note. once he finished, he stretched across and placed it on her desk. she gazed down, noticing the note. she looked around, curious to see who had left the note, unbeknownst to her, it was the redhead who was sitting right across from her. he really was as sly as a fox, huh?

she shrugged and read the letter, it read; "you're really pretty, like really really pretty, I hope you don't mind me staring." she couldn't help but look around again, she locked eyes with a pair of emerald green eyes, she realized it was the boy from the library, his cheeks reddened but he kept staring, she felt her cheeks tickle with heat, she couldn't help but smile, neither could he.

fin -- ♡

(okay. that's all I got.)

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