♥︎ | Tweek Tweak

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(I'm not very good with tweeks personality so bare with me)



I was at home, trying to watch some TV. my mother had her friends over and they were incredibly loud, I decided that I'd had enough, so I got up and walked out of the lounge. "y/n, where are you off to?" one of the woman asked. "somewhere." I mumbled, grabbing my coat from the coat rack. "be careful, sweetheart." my mother's voice reached my ears as I was slipping on my coat, I turned back and smiled at her. then I opened the front door and walked out.


'maybe I'll pop in at tweek bros.' I thought as I stood before the tweek bros coffee shop. I stepped forwards and opened the door, bells chimed as I entered. "Gah, welcome!" and there's tweek. I know him from school. "hey, tweek." I said as I walked up to the counter. "what would- Gah y-you like?" he asked. I looked up at the menu, then back down at him. "ill have a (favorite coffee)." I stated my order and he nodded, then he started making it for me.


I sat with tweek as I drank my coffee. "so y/n- Gah! why are y-you here, w-why s-so random?" he asked. I scoffed. "what? can't I visit a friend?" I laughed. I noticed his cheeks redden. "GAh!" he shouted. I sighed. "I decided to come because my mother had her friends over... they are very loud." I explained. he seemed to understand, he smiled. "o-oh well im glad you came!" he exclaimed. I blushed, looking up at him. he stared at me. there was something different in his eyes.

was this love?

fin -- ♡

(yes. it is looooove.)

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