♥︎ | Stanley Marsh

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stan had just gotten out of the shower, he was drying his hair with a towel, once he finished. he stared at himself in the mirror, he scrunched up his nose and shook his head, trying to shape his hair. he looked back in the mirror, he smirked at himself. "just a little cologne and the ladies will be mine~" he said in the voice of a little gremlin as he swung his hand across his messy counter, grabbing his cologne and throwing it smoothly into his other hand, he did a quick little spin and then layered some on both his shoulders.

it was safe to say, stanley randell marsh was feeling good today. there was no reasoning. he just felt good.


while he was grabbing his school bag, the sound of his ringtone reached his ears, he looked over at it. he reached across and grabbed it. his cheeks heated up at who it was. he answered. "hey, y/n." he cooed. "hey, stan, I just wanted to call to check up on you." she said, he rolled his eyes whilst smirking. "bullshit, you want something, don't you?" he snickered. she laughed. "fine, fine." she breathed, he stepped over to his mirror and stared at himself in it. "I think I have a crush on someone and I need your advice." he heard her say, suddenly his confidence vanished and he couldn't even face himself in the mirror so he turned his back on his reflection.

"o-oh? uhhh... what's their name?" he asked, nervously. she scoffed. "I asked for advice, that's it." she laughed. he gulped. he looked down at the ground, then at his desk, then the wall, then literally everywhere. "h-how do they make you feel?" he asked. she sighed. "...stanley, that'll give it away... but that's kinda what I'm hoping." she muttered the last part, but he heard it. it made him blush for some reason. she took a deep breath and started explaining.

"whenever I look into their eyes, I can't help but feel at ease. their voice is something I can listen to for hours, and the way they hold me makes my heart pretty much do backflips in my chest." she said, getting nervous. he felt tears prick at his eyes. "damn... they're lucky." he mumbled. she sighed. "you are lucky, stanley." she then hung up. his eyes widened, his heart started spinning and he felt butterflies overflowing his stomach. he was on cloud nine.

fin -- ♡

(kinda smooth y/n, well done. *claps for you*)

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