♥︎ | Stanley Marsh (omg another one)

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(it's been awhile)



I remember staring into those e/c eyes of hers, I loved getting lost in them. she looked so beautiful that night, why didn't I say anything? maybe because I'm too fucking scared. I'm scared of ruining our friendship.

...I don't know how much longer I can keep pretending, it's like everyday she just keeps getting prettier. it's almost unfair. it's getting harder to stay away from her. I need to see her.

I opened my eyes and looked across at my alarm clock. it was after midnight, I know that she's still awake, she really shouldn't be, those pretty eyes of hers need more sleep.

I climbed out of bed and walked over to my closet. I  grabbed my coat, slipped it on and then I grabbed a pair of boots. once I slipped them on, I walked to my door, placing my hand on the door handle, I twisted it slowly, the door creaked as I opened it, I sushed the door, then I realized that I probably looked stupid doing so, I mentally face palmed.

I walked out into the hallway, I creeped over to the staircase and tip toed down, once I got downstairs, I made my way to the front door, I unlocked it and oh so very quietly opened the door.

once I was outside, I did a little victory dance and then headed down the street to y/n's house. I slowly began to realize that I'm probably gonna look insane. buuuut to be fair, I'm not far from it.

I got to her house and as I suspected, she was still awake, I could see light in her room. oh my god, I need a pebble. where the fuck are the pebbles?


your pov:

I heard something hit against my window, I looked across, I didn't want to get up, but I hauled my ass out of bed and walked over to the window.

I looked outside, I couldn't believe it. stan was laying sprawled out on the grass. what on earth is this boy doing?

I opened the glass door and came out onto my balcony. "stan, what are you doing?" I asked him. "im dead." he said, still sprawled out. I stifled a laugh.

he lay there for a moment, then he sat up, he just stared at me, I felt the breeze hit my face as I stared down at him. "you're really pretty." I heard him say through the soft winter breeze, my heart fluttered. "pardon?" I asked. he stood up, as he dusted himself off, he repeated himself. "you're really pretty, y/n." he looked back up at me, my cheeks tickled with warmth. "...get your butt back home." I said, a smile stretching across my face, he gave me a cheeky smile. "no." he said, then he proceeded to climb the tree.

"stan, if my father catches you-" "calm yourself, im a ninja." he said as he jumped down from the branch, landing right in front of me, I couldn't help but giggle. "stop, im serious." I said, trying to hold back my laughter. he stepped closer. "so am I." he whispered into my ear, it felt like my heart jumped.

I stumbled backwards, then I felt his arms wrap around me, stopping me from hitting the ground. "woah, falling for me already?" he flirted, I rolled my eyes. "stanley, I swear to God." I muttered, earning a chuckle from him. oh, that laugh, it's so adorable.


we sat in my room, just chatting. he was sprawled out on my floor and I sat beside him, legs crossed, with my back against my bed.

"y/n, can I tell you something?" he asked, I hummed. I watched as his gaze met mine, his lips curled into a smirk. "I want your babies." he wiggled his eyebrows, my eyes widened, I covered my mouth and I lightly kicked him in the side, he chuckled softly. "I'm kidding." he said as he sat up, we just stared into each other's eyes. "well... not entirely." he added, I furrowed my brows. "stanley, stop!" I muffled through my hands, he just smiled at me.

"I love you, y/n, what else can I say?" he said with glistening eyes, my heart began to race, I moved my hands away from my mouth. "are you being serious?" I questioned, he leaned in closer. "like I said before.." he got closer to my lips. "..im serious." he breathed, his lips pressed against mine, I closed my eyes and melted into it.



the door swung open, y/n's father stood in the door way. he watched their silhouettes, stan had his fingers tangled in y/n's hair, whilst he made out with her, he started pushing her to the floor, she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"ahem!" stan immediately broke away from her lips, he looked up at her father. "stan, you better go." he heard y/n's soft voice, he gulped.

"GET OUTTA HERE, MARSH!" her father shouted, he squeaked, he stood up and ran to the window, he climbed out, landing on the balcony, he looked back at y/n for a moment, through the glass door, he caught a glimpse of her father glaring at him, he quickly turned and jumped onto the branch of the tree.

y/n smiled to herself, still feeling the warmth of his lips on hers.

fin -- ♡

(sorry it kinda sucked)

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