slowly but surely...i will recover.promise...

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Your pov

I lay there looking at the stars where I once did with Hanasaki. "I love you hanasaki, and for you I promise I won't cry." I say looking up as my lip quivers. "Hanasaki, you jerk..." I whisper. "Damn you hanasaki. DAMN YOU! WHY DO I FEEL THIS WAY?! damn you..."I say. "Hanasaki..." I whimper. "I don't see what you saw In that guy." Says kid. "He's so asymmetrical." He says. "Yeah and he'll never be as big a star as me!" Says black*star smiling. "Yeah that guy was so uncool..." says soul. " that guy was amazing, smart, cute , cool symmetrical , a star, in my eyes and he saved my life more than once!"I defend. "Woah y/n that's the most you've talked in a month!" Says kid worried. "You alright?" He asks. "Move out the way, meemee I told you not to go in here!" Says opal " aww , meemee why you gotta play us like that?" Asks ryô. " sorry..." I say. "Don't apologize, it makes you look weak." Says opal. The boys eyes widen. "Okay." I smile. Knock knock... ryô answers the door. "Flowers, but this time someone's here." Ryô says. Flowers but that means... "ryô get away from the door!" I scream running to take his place. "You get away from my-..., wait master Asura? Is that you?" I ask. "Your scarves are gone?" I say. "W-would you like to go on a date with me?" He says. "I-i did what you said, I haven't killed or hurt anyone since we talked." He says. The boys laugh. Thinking I won't say yes, but I'm mad at them so, "sure. I'm board. Hey boys would you watch the kids?"I say/ask. "Sure,....wait what?" Black*star asks. "K see you at 12:00 let me grab my coat." I say chuckling to myself. "Shall we go?" Asura asks taking my arm and interlocking it with mine. "We shall" I say. We walk along the roads. He takes me to a mountain. When we fly up to the top we sit down. It's pretty. I look up at the moon. "You know someone once told me that I was like the moon. But I wonder how? He explained it but I didn't understand how he saw all that in me." I say blushing slightly thinking of that night. "So it's a he?" Asura asks. "Shut up!" I laugh pushing him a little to hard off the mountain, he floats back up. "What is he like?" Asura asks. "He was great..." I blush more looking down. "Y/n, I -" he says getting to close for comfort.
"Y/n I like you" he says "I like you too hanasaki" I say "no not like that! I LOVE YOU AND IT HURTS! I love you!" He says... flight 888 has crashed in the ocean. One survivor. Her name is Madoka. Mission control we do grieve.
End of flashback
"No! Don't say that , please? You don't love me, this never happened." I say walking away. I walk faster he follows floating. "Leave me alone this was a mistake!" I say. "How? What's wrong?" He asks. "What's wrong? WHAT'S WRONG?! What's wrong is every one that loves me gets killed. The man I love was killed! My mom, ozpin, hanasaki. Every one I LOVE. And you'll be next! I won't let it happen." I say walking even faster. " Y-you l- love me?" He asks. "Noooooooooo! I love Hanasaki!" I say running like a blur than I'm back at my house. I breath heavy. How can I do this? How did I just go on a date with man who tortured me? "I can't..." I say. He catches up to me and pushes me up against a wall. "You can't what?" He hisses. "Please don't." I say breathing heavy. "I've tried not to love you! It's your fault not mine!" He says. "Please," I say. "Fine! You wanna go? Then LEAVE!" He says. I start to stumble and fly  away, "your just scared of me..." he says. I stay still then come back abruptly getting up in his face. "SCARED OF YOU?! THAT DOESN'T EVEN BEGIN THE PAIN I FEEL WHEN I SEE YOU!! ITS UNBEARABLE, EVERY TIME I SEE YOU I REMEMBER BEING STRAPPED TO A WALL!" I scream my eyes welling up with tears. He sees this and takes the chance to kiss me. "OOOO I CANT BELIEVE YOU JUST DID THAT!! UNBELIEVABLE!!!" I say storming of and slamming the door to my house. I climb in bed and cry silently in my pillow. I go to sleep thinking of ... Hanasaki.

Hanasakis pov

"Hello" I say turning to the girl beside me. "Hi I'm madoka" she says. "I'm Hanasaki." I smile at her. My phone beeps. "HANASAKI I LOVE YOU TOO!" I read off my phone. From your fullmoon, I'm all yours. I smile and chuckle a little. "What?"madoka asks smiling. "Oh well it's this girl you see i told her I loved her and she ran away and the second time five minutes ago she started crying, but i realize she loves me too and she was sad and scared that would get hurt and leave like everyone else in her life. Her name is y/n l/n, but I call her my fullmoon and she just texted me that she was my fullmoon. Here's a picture. I just love her so much. She makes me smile." I say. Madoka laughs." Well that's sweet." She smiles. I blush "yeah she is" I say.
Time skip brought to you by big feels(sorry)

The plane starts to shake. The announcer comes on. We are in the middle of the Atlantic you can see a few islands, we are running into a storm so please stay buckled and calm. Alright he sounded worried. It's really foggy out here. I see a giant mountain thing. I text y/n. "I love you so much, this planes really shaky and I'm kinda scared, please forgive me and look for the-" we ram into the mountain making me hit send. The plane breaks in two the head of the plane falls first. I'm hanging off the side of the planes edge. Oh God I'm gonna die. Madoka grabs my hand and trys to pull me up making her slip a little. "Stop! I need you to do something,alright?"I ask. "Anything" she says. "Please find y/n l/n in America and tell her I got the message. Please tell her I love her so much. And tell the little ones opal and ryô I'll miss them but most of all tell y/n thank you for teaching me how to love. Also give her this." I say giving her my phone and crying a little bit. "Okay, but I'm not letting go." She says her hands shaky. "You have to don't be stubborn, I need you to be alive to deliver the message.Please.".I say. "Alright..." She says letting her grip slip a bit. I let go and so does she. I see her.jump onto the rock beside the plane. Dambit I'm gonna hurt y/n by dieing. I'm falling, the oceans so blue. As in fall I see a man with black hair and cat ears appear. "This is my first time doing this shinigami thing so I'm sorry but I'll be taking your soul now." He says standing on my stomach, he lifts his sythe and slams it.down through my heart. I love you y/n... goodbye...

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