(a not so sound soul pt. 2) even stranger teacher

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An:so picking up were I left off.

Your pov

After I noticed the boys most awkwardly staring at me I decided to draw. I draw the moon. I always thought he was funny looking. And so did my mom. I lived with her after Lord death killed my evil son of a bitch father. Every morning he would wake me up with a beating. I hatebyd him. After all that jam my mom took me in around when I was four a man I came to know as Lord came in and brutally murdered my mother. I could here her scream and it still haunts me. "Y/N!!" I hear stein scream at me. "What?!" I say snapping out of my day dream. " come down here please!" He says. "Whatever you say screw head!" I say walking down to the stitched man.

Steins pov

What is she thinking about. She seems dazed. Her reflexes are amazing though, and she's pretty, and seems to like dissection! Oh no not this! I'm in love!
(Oh yeah I went there!)

Your pov

I walk down the stairs to meet stein. "Yes?" I ask curiously. Obviously he couldn't tell I was impatient. "(Y/n),I want to fight you." He looks like he's flushed.I-is he b-blushing?! No! As I think this my face heats up. " okay." I say trying not to sound embarrassed. " let me transform so it's a fair fight!" I say releasing my soul protect. My witch form appears my long blonde hair falls over my shoulders.(that's you in the pic above).I hear gasps and half the guys, including stein fall over with nose bleeds. "We gonna fight?" I ask sitting on my floating broom. I summon black sythes out of my arms that look like gently crafted metal, detailed like butterfly wings. So fragile looking but only cause there thin and sharp. Stein gets up and gets into fighting stance. He struggles to match my soul wavelength. And is unsuccessful in doing so. I summon my shadow butterflies make them bright and have them fly at him. every time one touches you it leaves a burn. Then disappears. After they all disappear I jump at him hitting him with my sythes, one then the other. He backs up then runs at me I j jump in the air he attempts to hit me with his soul wavelength as I leave my shadow in my place, he hits her and she disappears. I end up behind him and a glowing comes from my hands.as it expands I shoot it at stein.a giant light explodes causing him to fly backwards and me to stand my ground.I jump on my broom and fly over to him."o my gosh!are you alright?sorrysorrysorry! I grew up having to fight for myself." I ask really worried."y/n..." he says like he's about to snap. "THAT WAS AMAZING!!YOU PASS!now take me to the infirmary." He says.I put him in a shadow box and send it to the infirmary.

Black*star's pov


Souls pov

That was cool and graceful.that's my kinda girl! That girls Wow with a capital W.

Kid pov

Her fighting style was perfectly symmetrical and beautiful!

Your pov

As I see all the people staring at me, someone seems to recognize me."y/n?I-is that you? I-I cant deal with this!" Says someone recognizable."Crona?!"I ask as he walks down the steps to greet me."CRONA!!I haven't seen you in forever!" I say hugging him."how's med?"I ask referring to my old awful babysitter."dead..."crona says. "Good!"I say. That damb women should pay. She would "babysit" me while my master was out getting more things to beat me with. After he killed my mother he took me and chained me to a wall. He would beat me and rape me for hours.everyday until I was 11. Ages 4-11 I was in captivity. Then crona spoke up to one of the old professors at the DWMA his name was Mr. Ozpin.

Or time skip brought to you by potatoes. at the end of the day the final bell has rung. Ding dong death dong.

Your pov

As I walked through the halls I noticed a room with a sing on the door cameras guard this area only enter if given permission. I don't see how it could be that bad! I walk inside.  Oh....my.....gosh!!!!!

Justin law's pov.

I'm headed to the piano room just like every day. I walk in and see someone sit on the bench I sneak in quietly. She starts to play a beautiful song (the one in the video). As soon as she finishes I recognize her. That pretty girl I saw In the hallway earlier! "I didn't see your name on the sign up sheet" I say startling her. She flips around and instinctively hits me to the ground. Wow that girl can punch. She walks up to me and gets all up in my face. I notice her attire and I start to get a nose bleed. "Oh I'm so sorry!" She says pulling out a hanky and wiping my nose. Then she helps me up. We chat a bit. "What's your name?"I ask."y/n" she says." Yours?"She asks "Justin law."I say thinking she's heard of me."interesting,well I'll see you around Justin!" She says walking away."b-bye"I say.


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