school?! im just another crazy test subject!

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Mereko and izumi above! Awwww, I think izumis hot!

Steins pov

I come into shibusan groggily readyish to begin my day. I take a sip of my coffee. I here someone running I sense a witches soul. I tense up , then an adorable girl comes through my door, "oh, hello y/n. How have you been?"I ask trying to make small talk,I've heard alot about her,all from the mean girls of the school, they identify her as the cursed orphan, poor girl. They say she fell in love then he died, and she won the singing contest here. Not quite sure what's true or not. "Hi professor"she smiles turning me red, what an observant girl,she saw me blush, she giggles a bit. That's adorable,I find myself gazing at her dreamily. "Y/n you do realize it's 4 in the morning and your here four hours before school starts,right?"I ask avoiding eye contact,I look back over and she's grinning sweetly with a light dust across her cheats as if passionate. "I have a busy day ahead of me,I have a publicity lunch,then I'm meeting with my manager,and producer to go over song lyrics, then maybe record my album today, but first I need to pick an album cover. And-" she smiles. "So it's true" I look down. "Is it true that-" I ask getting cut off. "Yes..."She says. "How do you know what I was gonna ask? What was I even gonna ask you?" I ask angrily. "You were gonna ask me if I loved Kawasaki, and if he died and other stuff I don't wanna talk about, it already the same story, there's two ways a conversation can go,I just to avoid the way were I'm crying." She says smiling then she gets all red and her eyes well up.Please don't cry,not in front of him,please be strong,God eyes why you do dis? She thinks, I can read it in her soul. She inhaled deeply. And restrains the tears. "You don't have to act tuff, I already know your strong." I say. "I actually came here to um ask to do a dissection." She says proudly smiling. I go all nyan face. "Yas!" I hold her from behind guiding her and her scalpel down the animals stomach. As she she sees and stitches the animal back up, she sews numerous patches of skin back on the poor dog that was hit by a car (my car) she puts her hand where the heart is and her eyes start to glow.  The dogs eyes start to glow also. The dog abruptly jumps up into my arms. "Hello patches! "Says y/n . "I noticed your children were still alive inside you so I brought you back to have them."She says to the dog. "Stien will you take care of them please?" She asks me. "Of course,patches with make a natural addition to the family. " I say. "Whew that little one used up all my energy! Takuto, mereko,I don't feel to good." She says very quietly trying to breath. She falls back and two people in weird outfits with ears appear, the one with bunny ears grabs her wrist and the one with cat ears holds her around the waist. "It's alright y/n, we'll get you home." He says. Her eyes shoot open. "I have dress rehearsal in five minutes! " She says standing up and slipping the bunny girl catches her this time "y/n please be careful! I'll cuddle you!" Says the girl turning into a bunny with wings and a ribbon. Y/n smiles accepting the hug. The boy with cat ears shoots me a glare,"don't you dare ever touch her like that you old dork!" He says madly. I just smile. "Takuto, don't be rude, go back into shinigami form I don't like it when people see you it's like have no forest friends."She says. "Since when is that what we're called?"the boy called takuto asks. "Since I saw your animal form!"y/n giggles as takuto disappears. " by professor Stien!" She says. "Please,just call me stien." I say she blushes walking out causing me to smile with a pink dust across my face.

Your pov

I walk through the streets with takuto and Mereko we go into a nearby ally. Takuto transforms me and goes into human form,we walk out of the ally, death city is already busy on this beautiful Monday morning. As we walk takuto stops at a jelly shop mereko tells me to go on without her. Takuto REEAALLY likes almond jelly. I keep on walking on. Then I see a man that's floating,he's a shinigami, but he has dog ears, so that means it's "IZUMI LIO!" I say to the man he turns around. "You really can see us huh?" He says. "You keep on bothering mereko, please stop! Your hurting her!" I say his eyes grow wide but soften as he grins evily. " I will stop bothering you.....If you can catch me!" He smiles at his partner who seems to be a ghost and they both split up and go seperate ways I keep on following izumi.we meet up on the roof of a building."I caught you now stop!" I say. He smiles."now I have you alone" he says. "Huh?" I ask."the boss is becoming very impatient. Mereko and takuto are taking to long and Takutos to busy falling for you to take your soul,Merekos to busy relating to you to take your soul,nobody's doing there job!" He smiles. "So I'm here to do it." He gets all up in my face lifting my chin up I blush. "Did you know that a loving shock from a shinigami could draw the soul out with the right intentions." He says about to kiss me. "H-hanasaki, help!" I say. Then takuto and Mereko come. "Izumi!" Says takuto.  Mereko has wide eyes which soften with embarrassment and a tinge of grief and sadness. Something used to be between mereko and izumi they have the same expression on. "This is our assignment!" Says takuto. Mereko comes over and helps me up. I feel something try to grab my hand. "Hanasaki?" I turn around. "I'm sorry I forgot." I say. "Yes,this is your assignment and you haven't gotten anything done,you've managed to let this young lady use your magic and charm you. What would the boss say? Honestly I'm helping you takuto. I'm sorry for not being strait forward, your completely to slow! Your taking to long and your breaking the rules! Which are

1. Showing no mercy

2. Revieling your identify to a human

3. Showing love for your colleague(mereko) which are correct?"

Izumi says. "Um 1 and 2 I guess just not 3" takuto says. "Wrong, the answer is the secret number 4 pay attention to the details" says izumi. "Really takuto your taking to long, and you dare question me, that's quite foolish of you." Says izumi. "Everyone of you shut up I have to be at my meeting right now." I freak out, "you can take my soul some other time, let's go!" I say. Time skip after meeting

I walk out of the building wow. I do like my album cover though. I walk with takuto and Mereko to my apartment. We walk in "and don't EVER be alone with izumi." Finishes takuto. "Yeah,yeah I'm gonna get dressed." I say walking into my room. I see izumi in a bath robe sitting on my bed with a glass of champagne and Jonathan the ghost with the bottle and an extra glass. "Oh hanasaki, help me" I say blushing. "Who is that? I heard you call his name earlier." He says. "Lovie,lovie,lovie!" Says Jonathan. "Do i have completion?" He asks "yes but I think you should be safe he won't rush in. Izumi, I want to die." I say. His eyes are wide then they soften as he grins evilly. He touches my chest"than can I ?" He asks but takuto barges into the room" get out of here!" He says and then izumi flys away.  I run outside but takuto doesn't notice. I run to a nearby park where he's walking. "Why are you following me?" He asks. "Oh you noticed, I want to talk more." I say "I know you love mereko, that's why you want takuto to be successful so she can stop training him and you can be partners." I say. "So? Can I have your soul?" He asks."No, not yet" I say. " I do want to die but not yet, anyway why don't you tell mereko?"  I ask. "Your a real medler." He says "*sigh* she would reject me like I rejected her love." He sighs.

Normal pov

"Why do you think we are Shinigami this is our "punishment" for trying to escape." Says izumi to y/n right as mereko and takuto show up to save her. "Get away from her you dork! And stop asking her stupid questions. Says takuto throwing y/n over his shoulder. "Eep, takuto wait, one second!" Y/n says slightly struggling as she's being carried through the air, she brings out her wings and pushes  away "I think you were given a second chance!" She says. "What?" The three shinigami ask. "It's not a "punishment", if I was God I'd wanna give a second chance to those who have given up on life, who had no more to live for, so I will not call you shinigami I shall call you angels!" Y/n says.

The next three chapters will be there backstories and what led to suicide so they might be a bit short. Thanks for the views I have 1048views thanks y'all.
-maiki k. 0/////0

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