Getting to know the shinigamis

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Your pov

I walk out of the audition room not really getting that I just won the biggest singing contest in the country. I walk out and see a disappointed keieichi. He looks at me and smiles. "You did it, I'm sorry I was hard on you before, I just didn't want you to get hurt." He smiles sadly. "It's all right-"I say getting cut off by Lord death hugging me from behind. "Good job, you were amazing...if your mother were here to see you."says Lord death he realizes what he said and apologizes. I smile finish my conversation and leave. I go to a nearby field. And sit down on my broom floating above the water of a river. It's a beautiful day I think. I feel something hug me from behind. I turn around quickly. "Hanasaki? Ugh I keep forgetting your dead." I say. Than I feel his arms again. I put my hands out and I feel someone grab my hands. Hanasaki... why can't I see you? I wonder "hey you there!" Says that bunny girl from earlier. "Oh it's you..." I say. I then feel my hands being dropped. "No hanasaki,please don't leave. I understand your now-" I say but his presence is gone. "Damn" I say. "Hey you little punk! You didn't tell me you were actually good. That's so UNFAIR!"Says the guy with cat ears. "I I didn't think I was." I say. "Wait why did you laugh when I told you not to cry?" Asks the bunny girl. "Who are you again?"I ask. "Oh I'm mereko and this takuto. I love him he's my partner." She says. I blush and look the other way. "Your lucky that your BOTH dead. The one I love is dead too. He was here a moment ago."I say. Takuto just looks confused. "So that's why your happy to die?" Asks mereko. "Well you see mereko before I knew it, someone was always getting hurt because of me.I hated myself... I was such a weakling... I'm not afraid to die. But, I'm so afraid to live. So afraid..."I say tearing up. "Meemee you told me to meet you here, your master escorted me here and got me and ryô ice cream!" Says opal. I jump off my broom. "What are you doing here?" I hiss. "Oh daring, we never finished our date." He says. "I think our so called date ended with me explaining I was afraid of being strapped to a wall by you for six years and you forcibly kissing me." I say. "Meemee, I want up!"Says ryô. "Yes baby." I say lifting him up. I turn back towards Asura. He's gone. I hate it when that happens. Two arms wrap around my waist from behind. "I want you back on my wall baby" he says. I gently put ryô down. I then calmly stand up strait. I smile at Asura. I take his hand and take my finger and draw circles on his hand. "You know what I want, master?"I say getting dangerously close to his lips. "I WANT THESE MEMORIES GONE! I WANT THESE SCARS TO DISAPPEAR!I WANT EVERY BRUISE TAKEN BACK! I WANT MY INNOCENCE BACK! WHERE'D YOU HIDE IT?" I say repeatedly smashing him into the ground crying. He just laughs. "I WANT HANASAKI,I WANT YOU NOT TO LOVE ME, I WANT MY PARENTS BACK, I WANT OZPIN NOT TO HAVE DIED!" I scream tears pouring out of my eyes. Asura lays in a pool of his own blood, laughing. "I've learned to understand, the hard way, you can't always get what you want." I say looking at him. I kiss his head. He looks shocked. "I forgive you." I smile. "You are really bi-polor." He says and I laugh. "Well when you hang out with the person who killed your parents and abused and raped you that's how you act." I chuckle and so does he. "I can't walk" he says. "Oh here a shadow box" I say then as I try to use my power I'm brought to my knees with pain and tears. "Oops shouldn't have cried, sang, or screamed, not a good combo of things." I say on the ground trying to breathe. "Meemee here." Says handing me pill. "You forgot to take your meds this morning."She says holding up a big bag with prescriptions and a water. "Thanks" I say, after I finish I feel much better I send Asura home in a shadow box. I lye on my back in the cool grass. Mereko and takuto and ryô and opal sit down next to me. A pretty girl comes running over the hill."You, your the one who stole my victory at shibusan! You call yourself fullmoon " The girl screams at me. "I'm very sorry I didn't mean to,.that's not my real name, my name is y/n l/n, I'm extremely sorry-" I'm cut off by her hugging me. "I've been looking everywhere for you!" She says. Mereko and takuto have had there mouths wide open the whole time. "My name is Madoka." She says."You were there..." I say. "Yes." She says I pounce on her hugging her. "How was he? Did he smile? Did he talk about me?" I ask. "Yes he did, when the plane crashed he was hanging off the edge and I held him up. He told me to give you his stuff and tell opal and ryô he will miss them. He wouldn't shut up about you. Before I jumped off I got his here." She giggles handing hanasakis stuff to me. "Thank you so much." I say. She just nods at me and walks away.
Time skip(your happily asleep)

Takutos pov

Let's check out this hanasaki guy just for background and mereko decide. I look in an astronomy book on a page that says fullmoon. I see a picture of a young boy. I freeze. No it can't be. "Aww he's cute, you know him?"She asks jokingly. "How could I forget, he's the first soul I ever took." I say. Mereko is suddenly serious. "Great..." She says sarcastically looking at y/n. Damn my luck today.

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