It's your happiness that matters

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I start pursuing Bible, somehow I like him more now that he doesn't want me anymore. The irony.

I start running again, I go to our old spot at the park, but I don't see him. It doesn't matter, I'll be here if he wants to find me again one day.

On the way back, I pass by a coffee shop and buy coffees for us. I think I remember Bible's favourite choice. I call by his apartment and I hand the cup to a surprised, messy haired Bible. It seems he just got out of bed. I smile, wish him a good day then leave.

I'm sending him messages about my everyday life but, he's not very responsive. When I send him a photo of myself at the last magazine shoot I had, he finally answers me with a "Cool trousers" and two palette emojis. The trousers are one-off designer-made decorated with paint drippings.

I'm so happy he's opening up. I take the trousers, put them in a box and get ready to send them to Bible.

I'm very busy on the three-week runup period to the release of my new single Hide, but I try to get in touch with Bible. He's still just reading my messages or answering with a reaction or an emoji, but it's fine, it would take more than that to discourage me now.

I share the teaser with him, it's incredible how nervous I am to hear his opinion. I only got back two flame emojis but this time he answered straight away. I'm optimistic.

Finally the day of the release comes out and I'm really busy, I don't have much time to share with Bible, but when I see the numbers the song is making, I think part of them belong to him because it's his song too.

I post a reel on Instagram adding the caption "It's your happiness that matters, not my sorrow". Will Bible get it?

The first concert I have after releasing Hide is in a relatively small venue that I know well. I always look for Bible among the public but he's not there. But I think maybe he will watch me online.

I present the song to my fans:

- This song it's for a very special person who inspired me to write it. I  wish one day this person can understand and return my feelings.
I hope you'll enjoy, Sats


I saw a little ring necklace on a jewelry online and I thought it would be so nice for Bible, so I bought it. Then I remember him buying us couple jewelry and I got one similar for me.

I wait until I'm sure it's been delivered and then I post a selfie with my new necklaces. Come on, Bible, have you seen it? Wear it for me.


The song is doing well and Bible is still answering most of my messages, life is good.

It's becoming an habit to buy two items when I shop for clothes. Most of the time they are not identical, sometimes I just buy something I would like for him to wear on the same style as mine.

So far he's accepting the gifts.


It's been two months since I started pursuing Bible. We haven't seen each other except when I've delivered coffee or some of the gifts. I'm missing him. How is he doing?

I want to hear him talk about my music, I want to share my ideas with him. For the first time in months, I dial his number:

- Bible, it's me... Jeff Satur. What are you doing? I was wondering... You wanna come over? You can bring the guitar, let's play for a bit together? - I say, stuttering a bit for no reason.

I wait some time for the answer, I can hear Bible taking a couple of deep breaths.

- Ok, Jeff. Let me get ready, I'll be there in about an hour - says Bible.

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