Now don't complain

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I kiss Bible as if he was my last meal.  He is making cute sounds under my hungry lips and tongue, breathing heavily through his nose.

I break the kiss and bring my hand to move his hair out of the way.

- I'm sorry, Bible - I whisper to myself.

I don't know why exactly I'm apologising, but I know I'm not planning to be considerate. Bible right now awakes this urge to just take without giving, and I barely recognise myself.

One of my hands is still grabbing Bible's hair while I move my mouth and my other hand to his neck. My lips and teeth are kissing and biting Bible's neck under his jaw, then I open my mouth wide and put my teeth around his Adam apple without exerting pressure, my fingers spread over Bible's collarbone.

Bible is completely defenceless and it's turning me on, his absolute trust.

I continue leaving traces of kisses and bites on his collarbone and shoulders, Bible's breathing hard but I am aiming for making him cry.

When I bite lightly his chest mid-way in between his nipple and his collarbone I get the first soft moan. I continue biting his pectoral muscles around his areola and he becomes louder until he finally lets out a loud "Ah" when I suck on his nipple.

I feel his hands starting to move, touching my arms and head, it's not clear if he wants to push me away or hold me closer.

With my mouth on his chest, my hands go to Bible's waist and I squeeze his ass hard over his sweatpants, making him jump.

I cover his buttocks with my palms, they fit perfectly in my hands, firm and bouncy. I knead them until I become impatient. My thumbs slide inside the elastic band on his waist and I lower his pants, there's a big tent in Bible's underwear.

I straighten up, holding Bible closer, pressing his erected cock to mine through our clothes.

- Where is your bedroom? - I ask.

He looks at me in a daze, then holds my hand and takes me there.

Bible's bed is king size, nice. I push him on the bed and I notice his thigh tattoos. I trace the tattoos with my fingers and feel his skin having goosebumps. Then I remember something, so I pull the underwear down but there's no Saturn tattoo there.

I stand up while Bible is half lying on the bed watching me take my pants and underwear off. My cock is also  erected, I give it a couple of touches to spread the pre cum.

- Do you have condoms? - I ask Bible.

He twists his body to get to the bed side table drawer and then I see it, my drawing of Saturn with our names below tattooed on Bible's right ass cheek.

He's grabbing a box of condoms and a bottle of lube but I don't let him straighten up, putting my hand on the back of Bible's shoulder I climb on the bed and bite the tattoo that's been waiting for me all this time.

After adding a few red teeth marks to his tattooed ass and feeling him wriggle under me I have a look at the box of condoms. It's a box of 12 but there are at two missing. Irrationally I feel as if Bible had cheated on me.

Whom has he used them with? Who has seen this tattoo before me? My blood boils.

I lift my hand to make him lie on his stomach, then one of my legs gets in between Bible's, separating them. My hand goes to his ass crack, touching the base of Bible's cock and circling around his hole.

I pour some of the lube in his crack and I spread it before inserting my middle finger in Bible's hole. When it's in I lower my body for a second and I say to Bible's ear:

- Do you have a boyfriend?

I move my finger in and out and see Bible shaking his head.

I add another finger and my free hand goes to Bible's head, I want to move the hair from his face to see his expression. His eyes are closed and he's frowning.

When I add a third finger he moans. My cock is so full of blood I can't think clearly. I take my hand out and put a condom over it, coating generously with more lube.

Then I separate Bible's ass cheeks with my hands, his hole tightly closed again, and I push with my cock slowly but without stopping until the head is inside. Bible seems to want to escape, one of his legs kicking behind my ass, moaning loudly.

I start moving again, putting all my weight behind me, Bible is so hot and tight that's driving me crazy.

I search for Bible's hands and interlace our fingers while thrusting with my hips, each thrust driving me in deeper.

Bible's eyes are open now, he's crying "Ah", "Fuck" and best of all, "Jeff", so I thrust harder and faster.


I've already used 4 condoms from Bible's box but I'm not tired of him yet. He had four or five orgasms, I've lost count.

We're both covered in a layer of sweat, I'm holding open Bible's legs who is lying on his back, his neck and shoulders all red, eyes glassy. I'm entering him so easily, in and out all the way again and again and again.

I'm close to cum, I push Bible's knees towards his shoulders and I go as deep and hard as I can to kiss him before cumming for the fifth time. 

I lie on him for a while then I carefully get out to discard the condom. I think Bible has passed out, he's now sleeping, I can see his chest raising slowly and rhythmically and I hear a hint of snoring.

I'm tired but not sleepy. I look at the time and realised it's past lunch time.

Reality slaps me in the face. What the heck am I doing? Fucking around with a fan, someone who adores me, well not me, the image he has of me...
I curse. I shouldn't have crossed the boundaries but it's no use lamenting now. I warned him.

I gather my clothes that are scattered on the house, still a bit wet. I give a few pets to Grey and I look at my naked fanboy who let me have so much pleasure with his body today.

I engraved this image in my mind to send it to mental storage, and then I quietly leave the apartment.

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