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Kareem POV

I sat at my normal seat at the back roll in Mr James class watching Trell, I just can't get enough of him.

Ever since I laid my eyes on him, its has been a war to get him out of my head and heart. That nigga might not know but he got my heart, not just a small portion but all of it...

I smile watching him interact with his brother and friends....

I sigh, I don't know who to be jealous of, Xavier? or Donny? These dudes are damn clingy to my nigga.

One claims he has all right because he is his brother while the other says he is his close friend.

I can bet on all I got, that nigga Donny is crushing on Trell...

I don't just know, why his rest friends can't tell....

Anyway, that aside I never imagine I will fall this hard for any girl talk more of a dude like me. Its true when they say you can't tell the heart who to love....

Here I am chasing after a dude who wants nothing to do with me, atleast not in that way. Dude have turned me down on several notes but I still keep running after him, the heart really wants what its wants.

Truth be told, I haven't being able to get over the embarrassing day we spent together. Damn, I miss his bossy side. Its turn me on making me submissive and I ain't even a bottom.

But let's face it, that have been one of my best day in a long time......

....I won't say I ain't gay nor will I say I'm gay, I think I'm something in between, weird right? Well, f**k it I hate label!

Let me atleast explain my confuse point. I have messed around with alot of niggas on the low including Benjamin, since Trell moved to this neighborhood (that nigga got my ass curious on god!).....

Ben is my current experimenting..... well we can say experimenting partner, no feelings attached....

Like I stated earlier on, Kentrell got my ass curious. Before knowing him, I could swear I was 100% straight, straight like a wooden ruler but that nigga got me doubting everything about myself.

And that's what led me into experimenting, I wanted to know if I now like niggas or its just that nigga Trell messing with my head.


The first dude I had a one awkward night stand with or almost had something sexual with, he had similar features with Trell but was nothing like him. We met at a night club where I had a meeting with my partner, I caught the nigga watching me the whole night....

Immediately Jacobi(my partner) left, the dude came up to me, I won't have suspected he is gay or something in between until he started flirting with me.

At first I wanted to punch him in the eye for trying that shit with me but then again I thought, what do I really have to loose? I might even wake up and not recall a thing, again he is hot and most especially he had similar figures as my Trell, so I went on with it.

I watch as he bought me a drink and started saying alot of bullshit, some made me laugh while some made me frown.

To cut the whole story short we ended up in a motel, no way I'm taking him to my place, just no way!

Anyway, we got into action but my dick won't get hard, he tired and tired still nothing. Nigga was getting frustrated, especially seeing I was big down there but he couldn't have a taste..

I sigh as I stood up, wearing my clothes.

You leaving? he ask and I nodded, isn't it obvious?

Hey! Mani, come on you can't just leave me like this, he say referring to his current state...

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