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Kentrell Pov

The next day at noon

Sitting in the cab on my way back home, I couldn't help but find myself reminiscing on the night Kareem and I shared. I smile as my mind drift to how we spent the night together


From indulging in wrestling 'he whoop my ass just so you know' to playing videogames, running around the house like kids and other stupid things we did but damn were they fun.

There was a certain time he went ahead and handle his money business. When handling business, that side of him look really different from all the other side of Kareem I've met. I sat at the side with a soda in hand as I watch him type away on his laptop while talking to someone through his airpod. While doing all this he had a blunt on the ashtray and a glass of whiskey on the coffee table beside him.

I was amazed at the view, at how serious he looks and at same time looks hot. Damn! He one of those nigga that makes you what to try bad stuffs just because of how fine they look while doing it.

I smile when I felt his eyes peering on me, he smirk licking his lip before going back to what he doing as if he didn't just caught him staring at me weirdly. This exactly what he been doing for a minute now, eyeing me, staring lost at me when our eyes meets he pretend nothing happened.

Soon he was done with whatever business he was handling and came straight up to me, climbing on my thigh and straddling me.

You damn now act like I belong to you 'I smirk staring down at him as he adjust making himself comfort...

He shrug not saying a thing as he rest his head properly on my chest yawning

You sleepy? 'I ask running my hand through his hair in a smoothing way

Sing me a lullaby 'he said through a yawn making me laugh

Me? a lullaby? 'I continue laughing

Why? You can't sing me one? 'He whine staring at me cutely, dude was pouting

Man I don't do no lullaby. What the hell do I know is lullaby? What I know is music 'this made him chuckles then he yawn again, this time around heavily

Come on let's get you to bed, you seem totally exhausted 'he nod cutely making no attempt to stand up

What? 'I ask softly rubbing his cheek

Carry me 'he pout

Hmm? 'I ask to be sure I heard him right

Trell carry me, I'm so tired I can't feel my feet. Pweety please Trell.... 'He whine in a baby like tone

But damn man you know you heavy

I'm not 'he deny still in that tone

I chuckles' I'm the one you sleeping on, what you talking about

Trell carry me and sing me a lullaby, I wanna sleep. My body hurt so bad, I think I need a massage. Can you massage me instead? 'He whine

Kare what you take me for your babysitter or your nanny?

They have no right to touch me

What about Ben? 'I tease

I do the touching with him 'he mug me, shit looks so adorable to me

Awwn... 'I pinch his cheek and he fluster looking away

Nigga stop 'He try to say but it came out as a whine

My whinny little cute kitten 'he blush so hard hiding his face on my chest

I hate you so much!

Awwn.. You want who you hate to sing you a lullaby? 'I tease poking his side

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