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Kentrell POV

Hey! I wave at Maliki entering his car

Where Avi? 'He ask seeing just me

Where Avi? 'I jest

Guy you high or something? 'Maliki scrunch his face at me

Word? 'I grin' You taking me to school or what? 'I scoff

You leaving your brother, behind? 'He ask all serious

Why can't I?

Maliki just frown at me, making no attempt to start the car

Okay fine, he left already 'I roll my eyes

This early?

Nigga be glad, I waited for your ass

And why should I? I'm early as fuck

Not that early, if someone beat your ass here 'I smirk

Maliki roll his eyes, starting the car' Why didn't they wait?

Am I either of them, father? Or I resemble their mother? 'I ask in a mocking tone

Even though 'Maliki roll his eyes

Guy when you get to class, ask them directly, why they ditched your ass. 'I taunt him' Start driving already, before you here wasting gas

Maliki sigh' Whatever! 'He wave me off finally driving the call' Let's go then...

That's what, I been saying

Maliki said nothing, turning on the radio


Whatsup? 'Donny dab us up, immediately we got to the table he and the other were seated, in the school cafe....

We quite early if you ask me, but shit normal for us..

Guy, he nor easy at all!  'I whine observing the cafe before bring my attention back to him

What's gonna on? 'Donny ask in concern, squatting in front of me

I wanna go swimming 'I whine pouting

Awwn... Just that? 'He smile with his eyes and shit

My eyes glow in excitement' You know that Nick canvass, we saw that day at the mall 'Donny nodded still smiling' and that jean jacket that matches those sweet straight black pant, also that cap with those glasses, not forgetting that cross bag an-

Guy, I resemble your father? 'Donny raise his brow at me, making the others laugh

What? 'I whine' I just wanna look good when we go swim

And who's taking you swimming? 'He ask giving me a lost look

What's that look for? I ask myself giving him a lost look, before replying'    You?

When did we make that agreement? 'Donny knot his brow

Ehm? 'He playing with me right' What about that awwn shit you did? 'I ask confuse as hell

Someone, can't do awwn again? Or is it forbidden? 'He chuckle

Donny! 'I whine

Hmm? 'He ask smiling up at me

You won't take me swimming?

I ain't you mama, my nigga

Why you treating your nigga like that

Donny shrug, moving away from me

He afraid, you play with his feelings, all over.... 'Xavier comment and the others laugh, Donny shrug taking his phone out. Only God know what's funny...

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