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Kentrell stared out the window staring at his new environment, he was in his new Dad's car (Mr David) along with his Mom and new stepbrother, they were on their way to Mr David's house to start life afresh....

His mom finally got re-married after 8 years of divorce from his Dad...

What led to their divorce is, Kentrell mom( Mrs Jenny) found out her husband (Kentrell father) has been cheating on her for a long time and he got a 2 years old son with the lady who by the way was heavily pregnant when she signed the divorce papers.

Mrs Jenny was beyond hurt, she cried her eyes out questioning herself where exactly she went wrong because for all she could remember she played her role as a perfect wife, perfectly and she even got praised for it, so where exactly did she go wrong? Why did he cheat on her? and the worst of it all was that when she found out instead of him apologizing, he ask for a divorce instead and that completely broke her....

Due to too much thinking she fell seriously sick and had to be admitted into the hospital. When she recovered and came back for the hospital, she fell into depression and was no longer her cheerful self. For that reason Kentrell was taken away from her to go lived with his Dad who had immediately gotten married to his mistress after the divorce.

Kentrell didn't want to go, he wanted to stay with his mom but what choice do he have, he was just 8 year old when all this happened. Yeah, he cried his eyes out, called out to his mom but he got nothing back so he just had to go.

The worst of it all, 2 years after moving in with his Dad, his Dad's wife Mrs Rachael changed completely towards him, she started maltreating him, calling him foul names, she stopped him from making friends and also stopped her children from addressing him as their brother, telling them he was a child of a physco who their Dad felt pity for and helped, surprisedly they believed her not like he blamed them, they were young and naive unlike his Dad who is the man of the house but still did nothing, absolutely nothing!

He didn't cared though, because he never for once saw them as his siblings but he can't say same for his Dad either can he say he wasn't hurt by his action.

Whenever he saw Mr Fred(his Dad) and his new family happy all he could think about is how they snatch that happiness from him and his mom and he don't think he could ever forgive them for that especially Mr Fred, to him Mr Fred wasn't worth being called a father....


When Kentrell mom finally became better, she started caring for him like before, she calls regularly to check up on him, Kentrell came to visit regularly and most time spent the weekend with her.

You must be wondering why didn't he just move in with her? Well after Mrs Jenny became better she started experiencing financial issue and there was nobody to help her out, so she had to struggle on her own and there was no way she could pay the bills for two.

Kentrell understood what his mom was going through that's why he didn't bother her about it, he was contented with what they had at that moment but he still do pray for better though.

Kentrell knew his mom was going through some emotional issues even after her recovery and on several occasion he has caught her crying her heart out in secret and he felt pity for her. His prayer is that she finds someone new and better, so she could move on and be happy.

So just imagine his Joy 8 years later when his mom told him on his 16th birthday that she found someone and the dude was very serious, he even propose and she said yes. And now they were married, he couldn't help but smile staring at his mom who was smiling hard while chatting away with Mr David....

Kentrell was very happy for his mom and he could tell his Mom was very happy too, he could see his mom literally glowing.

But something he didn't know and just found out on the day of the marriage, was that her Mom's new husband had a son his age, he had no idea why his Mom never bother to tell him but he was cool with it because his Mom is happy and Mr David agreed for him to move in with them, so they can live as a family......

But a question till bothers him, will him and his new step brother have a healthy relationship or will it be better?


Few hours later, they finally reach their destination and to his surprised Mr David's house was in a hood neighborhood, he didn't care though as long he is with his Mom because he don't think he could stay any more minutes in his Dad's house, living there was like living in a day nightmare....

Mr David parked the car outside his house which looks decent enough to Kentrell, they all stepped out of the car. Kentrell yawn and stress his limped body while checkout his environment.

While doing that he notice a car parked in the building opposite Mr David house, the building was epic compare to his step dad house, two guys was sitting on the car burnet with a shawty going on and off on one of the nigga who by his body language looks uninterested in whatever the shawty was saying but still stay calm regardless.....

Kentrell found the scene interesting and found his self openly staring at them, damn he loves drama for the love of it.

You shouldn't do that he heard someone said, he turned around to see his new step brother standing next to him, his phone on one hand and a bag on the around.

Okay, he simply said walking to the car booth to carry his own laugage, he heard his step brother sighed walking off, did is reply come out rude?

Truthfully speaking, Kentrell and Xavier haven't had a decent conversation since they met and the fact that they just met on the marriage venue they were each still experiencing shock about the other. This have been the longest they have talked, even throughout their journey, they didn't say a word to each other so Kentrell was kinda of surprise when Xavier talked to him but anyway......

When he got to the door, he was about to step inside when he felt eyes on him, he raised his face up and he saw the nigga who the shawty was going on and off on staring at him with a small lazy smile.

Even after he caught the nigga staring, the nigga didn't look away, he saw the other nigga whispered something to the nigga and he laugh still staring at him.

The staring was making Kentrell uncomfortable but one thing he notice was the nigga have a unique smile, his brown eyes shining bright, his hair neatly braided and he looks relaxed while staring at him compare to when the lady was going on and off on him.

So he did the only thing that came to his mind to make the atmosphere less awkward, he smile back giving the nigga a little head nod and he walked inside only to meet face to face with his step brother, who was shaking his head at him and giving him a disapproving look......

This is a new beginning for Kentrell and Xavier, how do you think it will be???

And who is that nigga?



My first time writing a prologue

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