|13| Malicious Mistake

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⚠️ I just found out you can't see the chapter covers if you don't load it twice! So please do, just swipe up one more time and load it again, normally it will show after the second time! I put a lot of effort in them so I felt really sad, after finding out, most of y'all haven't even seen them yet... so please do for a better reading experience! ⚠️

Izuku woke up for the millionth time, but now luckily noticed the lines of sunshine peeking through his blinders. He hadn't slept a single hour, but couldn't deny, he even then still felt better than when he took the inhibitors.

He brushed his teeth and felt a wave of relief wash over him after he realized it was saturday. Which meant he wouldn't have to run into the blond again. He ran his hand through his stubborn green curls and noticed his face had gotten a healthier color, now showing a lot more of his freckles. The pills seemed to have quikly left his body, just as the symptoms.

He could only think of Shotou's words and kept reconsidering them. Is it really dangerous? He knew anyone knowing his true gender would cost him his place in the school. So maybe the alpha had been right.

Was Izuku really in danger?

That thought slipped his mind, as he felt a strong scent slip in his nose. It wasn't Kacchan's, so why was it so strong? He never seemed to have had a strong nose for anyone else's scent.

There wasn't even anyone in his room, so who's was it?

It made him feel nauseous, so he pinched his nose, trying to block the scent out. Maybe his abilities were heightened. He wouldn't know why though.

After getting ready he still couldn't get the smell out of his head. It's as if his nose couldn't get used to it and his brain kept registering it on loop.

The circumstances became so unbearable the greenette eventually stormed out of the door and ran towards a certain room. The room he had never gone to before and he never thought he would reach by own will.

Maybe he should've thought this through, maybe he should've listened to the alpha's warnings, maybe he should've gone to someone else, maybe he should've seen it coming.

Then maybe this all hadn't happened

He knocked on the door, still covering his nose. The smell was making his stomach turn, he started feeling sick. He couldn't wait any longer for that door to open up.

A tall blonde appeared in the opening, as the greenette couldn't deny being surprised the other was already up. Katsuki looked as angry as always, but he wore a hint of confusion on his face too.

But that quikly faded, when he got pushed aside by the other, who had started running in his room. Izuku couldn't breath properly because of the stinging smell. He only managed to mumble some words.

"Sur- surpremant" he tried, but saw the blond's face twitch in anger. So he could conclude the alpha hadn't understood.

"Stop mumbling Deku" Katsuki yelled as he slammed the door shut and walked towards the omega, grabbing at the thin wrist. "Talk properly" he demanded, as he had ripped the hand off of the other's nose and mouth.

Izuku scarily took his first breaths, afraid of the disgusting smell, but fortunatly noticed it had been replaced by Kacchan's smell.

He couldn't deny, he started getting used to the blonde's smell and he, in some way, started to find comfort in it. Although he would never admit that to the alpha in front of him.

"I-I nee-need the surpressants" he now stuttered out, feeling a little stupid, since the smell had disappeared, which made his visit lose its purpose.

"I'm not giving them to you" was Kacchan's immediate answer. Which made Izuku look up in protest. Kacchan's smell seemed to weirdly increase, which had never happened before at this same vicious rate.

"I-I really need them" Izuku explained, while taking a step back from the hypnotizing smell "It's my choice to take them" he tried making sense to the blonde "it has nothing to do with you" he begged the other, who had been glaring him down from the start.

"I can't, because you're my ome-"

The omega he was talking about stopped the alpha right there "How?" he asked, clearly confused "Why would you even want to be with an omega like me?" Izuku genuinly asked "I'm not like the others" he continued, but got way more quiet and seemed caught in a hesitant whisper.

Izuku couldn't believe he was telling someone this, even less that someone was Kacchan.

"I'm a recessive omega" he tried to explain, as the other didn't seem to follow, "I got tested as a Beta first, then only later started showing signs of the other gender" Izuku couldn't look the other in the eye. He didn't want to see the smirk that was probably creeping onto the other's face.

He was ashamed

"Recessives are really infertile, so only rarely get heats" Izuku spoke in his hoarse voice, as he started fidgeting his fingers. "So if I really am your fated partner" he continued as he bit his lip, doubting his next words.

"Do yourself a favor and find someone else"

Katsuki didn't know what to say, so a long silence followed. All of Deku's words answered a lot of questions he had been having. Although a part of him wished some words had been left unsaid.

"Do you really not feel it?" Katsuki asked after not getting the question out of his head "Our bond?" He spoke in a calm tone, as if he was hurt.

Izuku shook his head harshly, making the dark emptiness in the alpha's heart undulate the words he had just spoken.

"Cause I can smell you from miles away" the alpha spoke, trying to turn back the hurtful claims of the other "it was such a nuisance, it was starting to drive me insane" he continued as he came closer to the greenette, who had just created distance.

"But now your smell isn't a nuisance anymore" he had to admit, now pinning the omega under him against the wall. "It's like a drug" he whispered and then let his head fall down on Izuku's shoulder.

The shivering greenette felt the comforting warmth of the blond in the crook of his neck, he couldn't move. Before he could get a word over his lips the heavy head on his thin shoulder sighed deeply.

"I don't know anymore Deku"

Were Kacchan's words, mumbled next to Izuku's ear. They seemed to stay like this forever. As if they were counting both of their heartbeats seperately, only to notice they ended up in sync.

When suddenly the alpha shot up immediately. "Wait" he shockingly asked as his eyes widened "What are you doing Deku?" He brought out clearly scared of what he was smelling.

Katsuki carefully took a step back in warry from the omega against the wall and looked at his shivering body. Izuku started panting and seemed to blush all over. His eyes looked up with some needed effort as he mumbled his last words, before he felt his head falling into a trance.

"I think"

"I think I just got my first heat"

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