|28| Last Snow

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⚠️ I just found out you can't see the chapter covers if you don't load it twice! So please do, just swipe up one more time and load it again, normally it will show after the second time! I put a lot of effort in them so I felt really sad, after finding out, most of y'all haven't even seen them yet... so please do for a better reading experience! ⚠️

Izuku still couldn't look the alpha in the eyes, as he sat down on a white bench outside the hospital. He distracted his eyes by the falling leaves in the wind, as Shotou seemed to sigh in annoyance.

"Midoriya" he spoke and touched the other man's thigh, in an obvious attempt to get his attention. The greenette obeyed that expectation immediately, as he turned around and revealed his now flushed face. "What did the doctor say?" The alpha asked in his calm deep voice, with a small new grin on his face, due to the other's cute reaction.

"Umm" Izuku tried to bring out, as he let his head back down to now look at the hand, seeming to tighten its grip on his leg. "It-it was go-good news" he continued, acting as if he didn't mind the other getting greedy.

"I-I only feel sick in the morning sometimes" Izuku explained, as his shoulder jumped by seeing the other get closer. "They-they said it was probably because of the- the pills I had been taking" the greenette managed to finish his sentence.

Just before the other's lips that had been coming closer and closer, landed on his. "Wai-wai" Izuku brought out, but was cut of by the other's hand grabbing the back of his neck, as he explored Izuku's mouth.

Izuku's hands placed themselves on Shotou's chest, tremblingly trying to push himself away, as he was engulfed by the other's smell. Shotou finally let go, as the omega immediately started gasping for air.

Shotou smell was nice, but it didn't make him feel weird like Kacchan's had always had. It didn't make him feel hot in his stomach. "Sho-Shotou" the greenette whispered between gasps "Do-Don't just-

Before he could even finish the words, he hadn't quite thought about yet, the other stood up and walked away from the whispering voice. It was so sudden, why was he leaving now?

Shotou halted a few meters away from the bench and turned around. His eyes seemed filled with frustration again as he said "Don't forget I was the one that saved you and-"

"He won't make you happy"

Izuku stared at the alpha disappearing in the tall grass. He couldn't quite place what Shotou was thinking, he thought, as he his fingers touched the place the other had molded with the alpha's lips. They were still hot, but for some reason Izuku wanted them to cool down by his cold hands as soon as possible.

"Oi Deku" a voice from behind him spoke, making Izuku jump up in surprise. His fingers slipped away from his lips, as he bended his neck towards the voice. Kacchan was standing behind the bench and was now leaning over the other's thin shoulders.

"Kac-kacchan" he spoke with a smile painted his face after the shocked expression had left. Izuku closed his eyes and focussed on the smell of Kacchan's pheremones. It had become a strong, but comforting smell and also explained Shotou's quick depart.

When strong hands started touching his, his eyes opened. Kacchan had moved to the front and Izuku hadn't even noticed. His smell was too distracting, the omega realized, now feeling embarrassed.

Kacchan's hands were warm and felt good on the cold freckled ones. They both just stared at each other for quite some time. Enjoying each other's presence and the calm wind breezing in their hair. It was fall. It would soon become colder and maybe even snow.

With that thought crossing his mind he let his head fall softly on the alpha's, who was still crouching in front of the bench and asked "Do you think it will snow this year?"

The last time Izuku had seen snow was when he was about ten. He remembers it was magical and beautifully shimmering as it fell from the sky. It was probably his memorie tricking him. It probably won't be as mesmorizing as through his ten year old eyes.

"Would you want it to?" Kacchan asked, as he closed his eyes and rubbed his forehead closer towards the other.

Izuku smiled, as he stared at the other's relaxed expression and thought about an answer. Snow would always make for a memorable christmas night. Izuku remembered always feeling sad even before it wouldn't show up.

He wondered why.

"Yeah" Izuku whispered as he now stared up at the sky "I'd be really happy" he almost spoke in thought, still feeling the warmth coming from the alpha's hands.

"Aren't you being discharged today?" Katsuki grabbed Izuku's attention out of his day dream. He kissed the cold freckles on the other's fingers as he waited for an answer.

"Ye-yes" the greenette stuttered, still not used to the other being so gentle. It made his cheeks feel hot, as the shivers seem to leave his body.

"Bu-but I'll come visit you!" Izuku spoke determined, as the other lifted one of his eyebrows at that. "I swear!" The omega said as his hands were engulfed by the bigger ones. "Everyday!"

"Well then you better keep that promise nerd"


"Deku come over here" the ten year old boy screamed towards the high window. A small greenhaired boy peeked his head through the frame and smiled seeing the blond at the front of his house.

When Izuku came out of the house, he was stuffed in a big coat a scarf and earmuffs. Katsuki couldn't help, but think Izuku looked cute. "I am ready Kacchan!" The smaller boy said with warm smile across his face.

"I just got this new sleigh!" The blond boy spoke proudly as he pulled at the rope attached to a wooden contraption. "You can try it out first"

"Why-why-why?" Izuku quickly mumbled out, not being able to hide his obvious fear. "I'd like it if Kacchan tried it out first"

Katsuki's expression went blank as he stared at the other. Then he quickly said "Well then Deku" he paused looking back at the street "I'll ask my dad to pull so-"

"Why don't we both try it out together?"

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