|25| Amaranth Lie

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⚠️ I just found out you can't see the chapter covers if you don't load it twice! So please do, just swipe up one more time and load it again, normally it will show after the second time! I put a lot of effort in them so I felt really sad, after finding out, most of y'all haven't even seen them yet... so please do for a better reading experience! ⚠️

Izuku still hadn't let go of the knife, as tears kept dropping inside the maroon liquid, making it a amaranth red. The door of the classroom opened, but the greenette didn't have the courage to look up. His eyes were glued to the scene they still couldn't place.

"So it was you who survived?" Shigaraki asked in a doubtful tone almost sounding disappointed. "I can't say I was rooting for you" he honestly claimed, as he then jerked Izuku by his uniform, to grab his attention.

"I would've liked to see those sharp fangs ripping you appart" the pale man said and let his fingers slide over Izuku's still, to his surprise, markless neck. Izuku couldn't move, he only looked at Katsuki who clearly wasn't breathing.

"I'm kind of angry now" Shigaraki spoke with a sad face, still trying to make the other omega listen. It was as if the greenette wasn't processing anything he was saying and it made the man furious.

Before Izuku could think of anything else, the taller omega had jerked the knife out of Izuku's hand. Shigaraki still felt conflicted on how someone like the shivering skinny greenette had overpowered the alpha.

He pointed the knife at the greenette, still sitting on the ground where the other had dragged him. To Shigaraki's surprise he didn't even seem to put up a fight.

Izuku closed his eyes and hoped the pain would be bearable, as he didn't move a muscle to resist. He was tired of fighting and could only think of the blond on the ground next to him.

This would all be over soon.

As he waited in darkness, the pain he anticipated never showed up. So after some time he opened his eyes, only to gasp in surprise.



Izuku closed his tired eyes as the light in the room blinded them due to the white walls. Silent beeping filled the room, as it seemed time grew in between them, making the omega's heart beat faster in anxiety.

A pale skinny hand wrapped around a liveless one, owned by the person laying on the hospital bed. The pale one shivered before a warm tear dropped on his freezing hand.

The doctor had said they were trying everything, but that Katsuki so far, wasn't showing any signs of waking up. Izuku's warm nose touched the cold bigger hand, wishing it would move.

"I can't live without you Kacchan" Izuku whispered softly in the empty room. "Plea-please, Ka-Kachan, you-you made me this way" could be heard interrupted by some hiccups.

"Ev-even after what you said in middle school" Izuku paused to look at the other's face to continue "the-there wasn't a single day, you didn't cross my mind"




Was the word echoing in the white room, being heard by a tall alpha who had come in without the other hearing. He felt his fists clench in anger, as he heard the word another 10 times.

"Midoriya" he eventually spoke, breaking the echo immediately, as the other looked up from the hand he had reunited with his nose again. Shotou could see tears running down his red nose.

Why did this make him so furious?

"You shouldn't be here" the alpha spoke, trying to hide his jealousy "you're still injured" although he knew there was a much bigger reason he wanted the omega out of this room. When Izuku didn't seem to move away from the other's hand, he decided to use his and jerked Izuku's light body away from the bed.

"Oww Todor- tha-that hurts" was the only thing the greenette could bring out, while being dragged back all the way to his room.

"I don't understand" were the words coming out of the alpha's mouth, after pushing the omega back on his bed. He lost the ability to hide the anger in his voice as he clenched his fists.

"Wha-what do you mean?" Izuku asked as he quikly wiped his tears away and looked at his feet that couldn't reach the ground, while sitting on the bed.

"After what that bastard did to you, you still seem to care about him" Shotou spoke seeming conflicted, as he rested his face in his hand. "He raped you Midoriya!" He yelled now looking back at the person on the bed, having lost his composure. "He was obviously trying to mark you, biting you so hard, creating all those deep wounds"

"Or did you want that kind of thing?"

Izuku didn't know what to say, so just sat there in silence. He felt his lip tremble, because of the loud words coming from the calm man. Before Izuku could even think about an answer to stop the silence, Shotou grabbed ahold of his shirt and ripped it open viciously.

"Wai-wait!" Izuku screamed out, as he tried covering his naked freckled body with his freckled hands. He could see the alpha's eyes focused on one thing, as he leaned over the bed in silence, his unmarked neck.

Shotou let out a deep sigh of relief, as his face fell onto Izuku's bony shoulder, the warm breath heating his shivering skin. "You're making me go crazy" he mouthed silently, not knowing he wanted the other to hear or not.

"I lied" Shotou now spoke into a louder tone, while he now crouched next to the bed, wrapping his warm arms around the greenette's trembling body. "You being an omega does change things" as he rested his head on Izuku's tighs.

It made feelings Shotou had outcasted, way too real. He couldn't predict himself as easy anymore. His emotions seemed to lash out, knowing that him and the other could bond forever. As if the idea of claiming him, made him lose all sense.

"I can't stay away from you either" sounded now softly from the alpha's lips, as he nuzzled a little deeper into the tiny space between Izuku's legs. "So I changed my mind"

Just when Izuku wanted to touch the man's face without much thinking, the other surprised him with a kisses all over his thighs. The alpha made his way up to greenette's blushing uncomprehending face. He ended up on the other's neck and licked it gently.

"Wai-wait Tod-" Izuku tried bringing out, as he suddenly felt teeth pushing down on his flesh. "No-no stop" Izuku protested as his hands now wanted to push the other away. "Wha-what are you doing?"

Shotou grabbed ahold of the omega's wrists as he pushed him down onto the matras. "Isn't it obvious?" Shotou said between kisses, licks and bites over the omega's earlier revealed nippels.

"I don't like that bastards smell on you" the alpha said angrily and then stopped to give his last kiss. He looked up at the blushing face and said "I want to make you mine" and went down one more time to the greenette's neck, signaling how exactly he would do that.

Izuku's breath chokes at that, as his heart seemed louder than the silence "It seems I don't really want to force you" he spoke as he got back up and stepped away from the greenette, who immediately started covering himself with his ripped uniform. "I want you to choose me"

"Or I will have to change my mind on forcing you"

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