|15| Fickle Forgiveness

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⚠️ I just found out you can't see the chapter covers if you don't load it twice! So please do, just swipe up one more time and load it again, normally it will show after the second time! I put a lot of effort in them so I felt really sad, after finding out, most of y'all haven't even seen them yet... so please do for a better reading experience! ⚠️

"No-" Izuku tried bringing out in protest as he was pushed down by the blond's weight. He felt his body sink into the matras, so deep it seemed as if he had lost all ability to move.

"Kacc-Kacchan!" He screamed out, as he swung his weak arm behind his head to push back the heavy weight.

His hand reached the alpha's skin, but not where he wanted, as he quikly felt Katsuki's hand move around his. "Owww" Izuku screamed into the bed as his arm was pushed to his back.

Before Izuku could prepare his body, for what he thought would definitly be the worst, the alpha seemed to halt. The room not filling with any more cries of the omega only now seemed to fill with silent pants.

The greenette was to scared to break the silence, scared that if he would, the blond might continue what he had started.

Katsuki looked down at the bear back and crossed arm over it, now painting a light purple. Izuku's body moved up and down at a vicious rate, trying to gain all the air he had lost.

The blond felt a smirk creeping onto his face, as he noticed Deku had almost no wiggle room left.

His shivering hands and twitching body were all left at his mercy. Realising that, made the desire he had been unable to surpress overflow.

"Deku" he broke the silence, immediately seeing the other's green curls move up a bit, "push your hips up" sounded the cold command through the room.

Izuku felt harsh pain hit his chest, this was the last thing he had wanted to come out of the other's mouth. A visible shiver went down his spine, as he stayed still, refusing to obey.

"I said move up your hips" Kacchan brought out again, slow and demanding. When the other's body still didn't seem to move, a deep sigh hit the omega's bear back.

Suddenly sharp fangs made their way into Izuku's flesh. "EEEEEEK" the greenette screamed into the fabric he was now clutching over his mouth. Tears started escaping his widened eyes, as he only now seemed to register the alpha had bit his lower back.

"Pfffff" Kacchan scoffed out in a smirk "it's bleeding" as he noticed the greenette's body had tensed up due to the pain. He watched the red liquid moving into the crook of Izuku's spine "Now push up your hips" echoed the same sentence again.

Izuku wouldn't let his body move, he was too scared of Katsuki might do in the position he demanded.

Tears kept staining the fabric he was holding onto, as he was too scared to breath, focussing on the tickling flow moving down his back.

Before he could feel the blood sliding down his hip, another vicious bite was placed in his flesh just a bit higher. Izuku bit his teeth together now not even making a sound. He could feel the bite stinging and leaving a mark of blood too.

"Seems like you really don't want to listen" Katsuki spoke, clearly disappointed and angry. He leaned further over the other's body and nestled his head in the green curls, to the point his lips almost reached the omega's ear.

"Then do you like me biting your back?"

He asked in a devious grin, clearly knowing the answer to that, due to the silent sniffles and twitching of the omega. He pressed his body harder onto the smaller boy as his other hand moved over Izuku's head.

The omega under him still wouldn't make a sound, even after all those questions. His fingers grabbed a hold of the green curly locks and then forced them straight while pulling on them.

"Then why don't I bite your neck?"

The omega under him clearly reacted to those words, as his body clearly tensed up and seemed to hesitate. Katsuki waited as he looked down at the still unmoving, bleeding skin.

"Okay fine then" he scoffed as he put his teeth onto Izuku's skin, ready to burry them deep. When suddenly the distance between their faces increased, due to the other person moving. Slowly but surely the omega's hips placed in front of Katsuki's.

Izuku could already feel Kacchan pushing against him, still not able to figure out if he had chosen the best option. "Good" the blond seemed to praise the omega as he let go of the greenette's hair.

The sound of Katsuki's belt unbuckling and his pants unzipping, made Izuku's heart shiver. He could pull his arm back to the front, but was too scared to move, so just left it crossed on his bleeding back, earning a content smirk of the alpha, before he grabbed a hold of it again.

Izuku winced at the hand on the pale, now purple skin. His wrist felt like it could snap off any second, when the blond tightened his grip as he moved.

But that pain immediately seemed nothing compared to what the blond had just started to do. Katsuki pushed against Izuku's ass, while seeing every muscle in the greenette's body tense up.

He slid in slowly, now definitely being able to confirm he hadn't loosened up Deku's ass enough, but the blond couldn't find a reason to care, as his mind was still driven by the desire that had been set loose by the omega's pheremones.

"Sto-stop" Izuku's hoarse voice sounded suddenly through the fabric, he had been biting with his teeth. The greenette had been trying to push through, but the excruciating pain burned through his facade.

"I-I really ca-can't take any more" he begged, wishing this would make a difference "I-it it's really going to tear"

Katsuki looked down at how much length Izuku was talking about, when a devious smile showed on his face. He was not even halfway in and the greenette was already whining.

As Izuku waited for his answer, noticing the blond had stopped moving, he suddenly got it. There weren't any words said to him, all he could think of was one.


As Katsuki viciously started thrusting inside making him lose all composure and making tears stream down on the already salty fabric.

It was worse than the omega could've ever imagined, every thrust earning more of the jabbing pain in his stomach. It felt as if the alpha was ripping up his insides.

He could not stop wishing for it to be over. He could not stop the tears filling his eyes.

He could not stop thinking about how he would



Forgive the blond.

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