|14| Futile Resistance

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⚠️ I just found out you can't see the chapter covers if you don't load it twice! So please do, just swipe up one more time and load it again, normally it will show after the second time! I put a lot of effort in them so I felt really sad, after finding out, most of y'all haven't even seen them yet... so please do for a better reading experience! ⚠️

Before Katsuki could do anything, he could already feel the other's pheremones making his heart speed up. He had started sweating, even though he had moved even further away from the greenette.

"Deku" he warned the panting mess leaning against the wall "if you don't stop what you're doing" he paused to cover his nose "I'm going to start to do things"

"Kacc- kaccha" were the only words coming out of the omega's mouth, forming the blond's useless answer. "I-I do-don't know" he stopped as he fell over on all fours and tried to catch his breath "I can't shut it off"

Katsuki now started feeling hot under his skin, he knew this was bad, but couldn't think straight. This was the first time he had ever felt like this. He had met up with other omegas, but none of them had had the same effect on him as Deku.

Before he could think his body started moving on his own, as he grabbed Izuku's face and pulled it up aggressively. "Oww-" sounded a short cry due to the pain out of Izuku's lips as they quikly were shut up by Katsuki's.

The alpha explored the omega's mouth as he banged the other's head against the wall. He could feel more protests of pain trying to escape the greenette's mouth, as he succesfully kept it busy, making the other lose his breath.

When he opened his eyes again he saw Izuku's had started to sting with tears, so he broke the kiss, finally giving the other an opportunity to catch his breath. "Ka-kacch- cchan" echoed through the hot room between breaths. "Sto-stop" he whined as he put two hands on the broad chest pushing against him.

It was as if Izuku had come out of his trance, the moment Katsuki seemed to have gone in it himself.

Katsuki grabbed Izuku's hands viciously and slammed them against the wall, now really earning a scream from the smaller boy. "Owww!" The alpha's grip didn't seem to loosen, as he started to kiss the other's neck.

Katsuki started nibbling at Izuku's neck and left dark marks contrasting with his white skin. He couldn't hear the greenette's words, as he bit in the frale boy's colar bone.

"Oow" Izuku screamed out again, Kacchan seemed to have started aggressively biting at his skin. "Plea-please" he started begging the the one, who seemed unforgiving as ever. When suddenly the alpha's lips moved up to his ear and started licking the omega over there too.

"Aaahh~" from that moment the greenette felt a sensation burning through his nerves, "Kaccha~aaahh~~" slipped out of his now swollen lips "Aaah~ aaahh~ kacchaa~~~" only encouraging the blonde even more. "Oww" Izuku screamed again as Katsuki's teeth made their way into his ear. "You-you're hu-hurting me"

The taller man finally let go of the thin, now bruised, wrists, as he started pulling at Izuku's shirt. Before Izuku could protest about either of those things, Katsuki had already sunken his teeth into the smaller man's flesh.

"OWWW" could be heard even louder than before, as Katsuki realized the smaller boy's chest seemed even more sensitive than his ears and neck had been. He connected Izuku's freckles on the pale stomach with kisses and love marks, as he pulled and nibbled at Izuku's nippels.

"Kaccha~ aaah~~~" Izuku kept moaning even though he didn't want to. "Do- aah~ dont" he kept trying to get the other's attention in vain.

The blond's hand followed Izuku's spine, leading it to its wanted destination. Izuku froze as he felt the same finger slipping onto his entrance, thinking back at the haunting nightmare.

His shivering hands tried to push the blond away, but couldn't get his body to move even an inch further away from the wall. "Stop!" Izuku now started panicking, as he lost all strength in his arms, "Not again!" He screamed, left at the merciless person's mercy. "Please!"

But the alpha seemed to ignore his requests, when he didn't hesitate to shove his finger inside, earning a loud squeal out of the still frozen omega. "EEEK"

Izuku could feel the alpha moving inside of him, as his trembling hands clenched the black shirt of the blond hardly, trying to hold in his tears due to the pain. "I-I do-don't like this" Izuku tried not to cry out "It- it hu-hurts so bad" he whispered, now letting go of a light sniffle.

Katsuki couldn't help but smirk, as he pushed in another finger without hesitation. Feeling Izuku clench around him so harshly, made him want to enter Izuku already, but he knew it would have to wait just a little longer.

"STO-STOP" Izuku screamed out, feeling himself lose to his tears "it-it's gonna tea-tear" he now cried out, unable to get away from the wall the blonde had him pushed against.

"Wait 'til I enter you" the alpha groaned out smirkingly, clearly enjoying what he was seeing, hearing and feeling. Izuku's eyes widened in shock and pure terror.

"No-noooh" he struggled in the blond's grip, but couldn't seem to move. "I-I wo-won't be able to" he reached his arms up, terrified, to Kacchan's face and tried pushing him away.

The blonde just snatched Izuku's hand away from his face and added pressure to the already bruised flesh, from the same hands earlier. "OOOWW" Izuku cried out as fresh tears started streaming down his face, but when he opened them back up, a cold shiver went down his spine.

Kacchan's eyebrows sharpened as his face deepened, seeming furious, he now let go of both of Izuku's hands and watched them swing back down. He looked the shivering greenette deep in the jade eyes, before he yanked one of Izuku's wrist back forward.

Izuku's tired body finally left the wall, as his feet got their ability to walk again, but before he sighed in relief, his body was thrown onto Kacchan's bed.

Izuku coughed to regain his breath, as he used his, now, weak arms to lift his body up from the position he had been thrown in. Only to look at the angry blond standing next to the bed, as he said the next frightening words.

"I have been trying to take things slow" the alpha spoke clearly annoyed at the other "but since you seem so busy trying to get away from me"

"I guess I won't wait any longer"

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